TV Meme to keep me occupied

May 13, 2009 17:19

Here's that TV Meme that's been going around. I could remember who did it, so I had to Google to find the damn thing, lol.

5 TV Shows You Loved As A Kid

1. Scooby Doo, Where Are You?
2. The Smurfs
3. The A-Team
4. Star Trek
5. Sha Na Na (anybody remember this?)

5 TV Characters You Would Shag

1. Major Evan Lorne
2. Sayid Jarrah
3. Dr. Mohinder Suresh
4. Dr. Jack Shepherd
5. Lt. Colonel John Sheppard

5 TV Moments You Still Remember (And Probably Won’t Forget)

1. The opening sequence in the pilot episode of LOST. It is hands down one of the best openings I've ever seen in a show. The disorientation was with me from the moment Jack opened his eyes til Boone came running up with that stupid handful of pens. Beautiful.

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2. "Did You See the Sun Rise?" Magnum shoots a man in cold blood, and it was a shock for me as a kid that a hero would do that. Totally changed the way I write.

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3. The John/Rodney pier scene. Need I say more?

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4. Carter and Lucy get stabbed on ER. I was totally unspoiled for this, and it was a heck of a shocker when I saw it.

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5. Mike Donovan sees the mothership for the first time in V: The Miniseries. I so hope the new remake doesn't screw up my beloved memories of this miniseries.

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5 Shows You Can't Get Enough Of

2. Heroes
3. SGA
4. SG-1
5. Torchwood

5 3 Shows You Want to Watch

1. Stargate: Universe
2. True Blood
3. The new version of V (I'm hopeful)

5 2 Shows You Just Can’t Get Into

1. American Idol (I don't get the hype.)
2. America' Next Top Model

5 TV Characters You Could Do Without

1. Jennifer Keller
2. Stuart Radzinsky
3. Sylar *dives behind couch*
4. Gwen Cooper
5. The invisible chick on Sanctuary

5 TV Theme Songs You Know (and Love) By Heart

1. Firefly
2. Scooby Doo, Where Are You?
3. CSI
4. CSI: New York
5. Party of Five

memes: fandom

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