
Jan 24, 2009 17:35

Yesterday, I watched the SGA episode, "The Return, Part 1." Ladon (played by Ryan Robbins) was talking to Ronon and Teyla about joining the Genii in their fight against the Wraith. Ronon was resistant, of course, and I just kept thinking "Ronon, shut up. He'll go all werewolf on your ass!" I also wanted to reach through the screen cut his hair.

It's official. I can't watch Ryan as Ladon now without giggling. Henry has ruined me!

Also, I've added new friends the past couple of weeks, but I haven't gotten around to doing a proper introduction. My intro post is here. I need to update it a little more, but it gives you the general idea.

In other news, I'm considering making some muffins tonight. The last batch I made didn't turn out too well, but I'm craving chocolate muffins. Clearly, something must be done to meet my muffin needs. *nods seriously*

ALSO, after careful consideration, I've decided that I now ship Richard/Locke. Yes, this is very serious business.

tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: sanctuary, tv: lost, muffins!, actor: ryan robbins

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