Random life is random

Jan 12, 2009 03:23

Okay, I should probably say a warm hello to the new friends I acquired over the weekend. You can find some handy-dandy fun facts about me in my intro post. Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask.

Today was a lazy and unproductive day. In fact, I was in a major funk all weekend. D:

I officially go back to work tomorrow, so I should probably head to bed soon. The unfortunate fact, though, is that my sleeping schedule is completely flipped out right now, so I'll be lucky top fall asleep before 6 am.

I watched The Mummy: Curse of the Dragon Emperor today. Not bad. I quite enjoyed it, actually.

I also read a bunch of Sheppard/Mitchell fics at sg_flyboys and watched a ton of Lorne vids and McKay/Sheppard vids. I also turned "Vegas" on again. It's still just as good as the first time! It's got me seriously wanting Vegas!Reality fics, though.

Also, I changed my default icon, because clearly, the answer to being depressed and purposeless is making tiny changes in your LJ. :/ I've had Kavan and Amanda for ages, but I have a bad habit of neglecting to rotate my default icons, so I'm going to try and do that more often. I think I might go with a Sheppard or Mitchell icon after this one.

The enchiladas I made (as in COOKED) the other day turned out really yummy. I think I'm going to make a chocolate pie this week.

A few random things I really love right now:

* Tesla (as in the Sanctuary character)
* Arizona Sweet Tea
* Mashed potatoes and gravy
* Sign of Four
* Ben Browder
* Body butter from the Body Shop
* Warm socks
* Joe Flanigan in glasses
* Johnny Cash
* Caspar David Friedrich
* Kavan Smith. :D

ship: mckay/sheppard, rl: insomnia, actor: ben browder, lorne and his dimples, tv: stargate: atlantis, tv: sanctuary, cooking, movies

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