The cat speak the truth

Dec 24, 2008 04:03

I'm obsessive, and I know and have accepted that about myself. Still, I sometimes I become really frustrated with the things I do. It's two days before Christmas, and I had all sorts of fun things planned for today. I don't do those fun things, though. Instead, I got distracted compiling the Master List of books for my history classes, and this led to me going through several hundred years worth of World Civilization in a vain attempt to craft a wonderful and doable schedule. And before I know it, it's 4 in the morning, and I have a headache.

moar funny pictures

In other news, I've started reading Sign of Four. I'm a big Sherlock Holmes fan, but I don't think I've ever read it. It starts out with a scene that any slash writer would be proud to call their own. Of course, now that I'm picturing Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law as Holmes and Watson, it's that much slashier. :D

actor: robert downey jr, emo, history, books, ship: holmes/watson, actor: jude law, rl: teaching

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