I'll try to make this short, because I'm feeling yucky and have to drag myself to work tomorrow. I can't afford another day off.
Arthur "Rogue" Petrelli: If this show brings in some card-throwing character, I'm done. Really. In any case, Mr. Petrelli is apparently Rogue, but he has control over his power. He's also a meanie who killed Adam. D:
Matt, Daphne, and Turtle: Oh, how I love Matt. There's a reason he's my favorite character on this show, and he demonstrated that reason tonight. Out of all the characters, he's the most genuine. He is who he is and he wears that on his sleeve. First of all, he's schlepping around a turtle. Win! But also, I love his honesty, even if it makes him look like a dork. Most other characters would have sallied forth with subterfuge, but Matt just laid it all out there for Daphne with his "we get married in the future" explanation. And I have to say... they have chemistry. Matt and Daphne have emerged as a ship for me, and Daphne is becoming more of a character in my eyes. I get her now. As for what Petrelli has on her, I'm guessing that her power is killing her, and they have the antidote.
Mohinder, Nathan, and Tracy: Someone needs to ice Mohinder. Now. Not only is he horribly uninteresting, he also damaged Nathan! How dare he! Still, he looked pretty.
Hiro, Ando, and African Isaac: I liked Hiro better this time around, but Ando and African Isaac were still way more of a draw. It was no real surprise that Ando wasn't dead. And I quite enjoyed seeing Hiro get knocked on the head by African Isaac. Much win in that department.
Sandra, Meredith, and Claire: Okay, I have to be honest here. Part of me is wanting to look for Sandra/Meredith slash. :O Anyway, when we saw the gun, we all knew that Sandra was going to wind up shooting Claire and that the Claire would knock out the Puppet Master dude. But it still worked, because Sandra and Meredith are interesting characters.
Peter: His moral compass is as broken as Mohinder's. Yikes. I don't even know how to address this one. The guy is so annoying right now.
Sylar: Meanwhile, Gabriel is getting more interesting now that he's stopped being a caricature of himself.
Anyway, I'm sure there's other stuff, but my brain is fried. Favorite line of the night? "High five, Turtle!"
OMG! Turtle got more screen time that Noah! :O