Stargate Deleted Scenes

Sep 15, 2008 10:39

Right, I do have something important to post about, after all. At least, I do if you think the SGA deleted scenes are important, which I do.

I really enjoyed quite a few of these, but my favorites are the conversation between Caldwell and Sam and the ones with Ronon.

I totally disagree with them about the Caldwell/Sam thing having romantic overtones. I didn't see that at all. What I saw was two colleagues of equal rank letting their guards down. That would have been a wonderful scene to include, because we got to see some development with Caldwell's character.

The ones with Ronon were quite nice, and again, they added a lot of depth to the character. It would have been nice if they'd kept them. And the slight Lorne/Ronon shipper in me? Yeah, I need to write a conversation about artsy matters between them now.

ronon dex, tv: stargate: atlantis

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