Doctor Who poll

Sep 14, 2008 09:58

Everybody and their brother seems to be posting a list like this, and since I'm a fandom sheep, I will, too. Also, I've included a poll to hear the ideas you all have.

Let's face it. Eventually--whether it be now or later--David Tennant will leave Doctor Who. What actor would you like to see follow him as the next Doctor? I left Christopher Eccleston off the list, because I think a reprisal is unlikely. Ditto for John Simm.

Here are my possibilities, in no special order:

Sean Petwee (He has the pedigree.)

John Hannah

Bill Nighy

Richard E. Grant

There are others, but these are the four that jump to mind.

So who would you guys like to see? It doesn't have to be an actor listed above.

Poll Doctor Who Casting Poll

tv: doctor who

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