Ship-related picspam (part two)

Jul 21, 2008 20:47

Reed and Sue (Fantastic Four). Forget the movie, because Jessica Alba? She's so not Sue Richards. In the comics, Reed and Sue are one of the great constants of the Marvel Universe (The other was "Bucky is dead." Sigh.), and for me, there's a sense that as long as Reed and Sue are together, all is right with the MU. Sure, they split up and have problems, but they always come back together, stronger than they were before.

Five and Tegan (Doctor Who). I don't remember Peter Davison's run being so shippy, but looking at it now, there really is something between Five and Tegan. She fights with him in a way that most other companions don't, and he seems to take comfort in it.

Piper and Leo (Charmed). These two make me cry like a baby. Their love story is rocky and complicated, and the actors completely convinced me of their love and pain and passion.

When Piper cries, I cry. Over the years, I often felt like I had been emotionally pummeled, and a good TV romance should make you feel that way.

Wash and Zoe (Firefly). Bite me, Joss Whedon.

Jack and Jack (Torchwood). For a couple who were together for one episode, they really managed to make me hurt for them.

Despite the fact that I'm an avid Jack/Ianto shipper, I hold this one near and dear. It's a moment in time, and it revealed so much about Jack in less than hour.

It was good to see Jack's vulnerable side. He was completely stripped down and devoid of his usual defenses.

Lorne and Teyla (Stargate: Atlantis). I like these two because they have a really natural chemistry. It's more than that, though. When Lorne is around Teyla, he's suddenly a full-blown character with a backstory. He chats with her about nephews and flea markets, and it's adorable.

Also, Lorne respects Teyla's abilities and has shown that he's willing to trust her to know her limits. This is one of the only SGA couples I wouldn't mind seeing happen on screen.

John and Rodney (Stargate: Atlantis). Watching them, it becomes apparent pretty quick that there's a level of trust and devotion between John and Rodney. They banter and they bicker, but their bond is strong. I feel like they don't interact as much they used to do.

When they do interact, though, it's funny and poignant. They're willing to risk life and limb for each other, and they draw strength from each other. For me, they're the core of SGA the way Jack and Daniel were the core of SG-1.

tv: firefly, tv: stargate: atlantis, comics, tv: torchwood, tv: doctor who, ship, tv: charmed

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