Fandom Meme

May 06, 2008 21:20

1. Newest Fandom: Well, I'm checking out the Donald Strachey Mysteries.  They've been recced by several on my flist, and so far, I love the characters.  I haven't really checked out any comms or anything.  Do they exist?

2. Oldest Fandom: Well, I was into Star Wars and Star Trek pretty early on.  But I think the first fandom I actively participated in was V: The Miniseries.

3. Favorite Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: SG-1, Torchwood, and Doctor Who

4. Guilty Pleasure Fandom: Errr...

5. OTP: I'll list the top five.  McKay/Sheppard (SGA), Evan/Teyla (SGA), Jack/Daniel (SG-1), Jack/Ianto (TW), and Nick/Greg (CSI)

6. OT3: I don't know if I have an official OT3.

7. Worst Pairing Ever: Yeah, I'll offend someone if I answer this.  Live and let live.

8. Wankiest Fandom: I've noticed some wank in Harry Potter.  That's why I'm not active anymore.

9. I'd Like to Find a Fandom For: Well, I'm hoping there is an active fandom for the Donald Strachey Mysteries.  I also wouldn't mind finding a fandom for Dennis Lehane's stuff.

10. I Wouldn't Touch This Fandom: Oh, probably soap opera fandoms.

11. Any Literary Fandoms: Well, Donald Strachey Mysteries are a series of books, as well as movies.  I'd be open to a Greek mythology fandom, as well as a fandom for Dennis Lehane's books.  And of course, there's Harry Potter.

12. Any Bandoms: Nope.  Not a bandom fan.

13. Any Gamer Fandoms: Nope.

14. I Miss This Fandom: V: The Miniseries.  I was into the show pre-internet.  I'd love to have seen how crazy the fandom would have been had it been online.

15. I'm Glad This Fandom Is Gone: If anything, maybe JAG. I had a bad experience with that fandom.  

memes: fandom, memes: shipping

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