About My TV Viewing Habits

Nov 26, 2007 00:17

I should probably post an update of consequence, but I'm not feeling well, hence I'm whiny and will post whatever I want!

1. Name a TV show series in which you have seen every episode at least twice: Well, I can't guarantee I've seen every single episode twice, but I would guess the following: CSI, Stargate: SG-1 (with some season 6 exceptions, but since that season didn't really happen, it's fine), Star Trek (original series), Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and JAG

2. Name a show you can‘t miss: Stargate: Atlantis, Heroes, Criminal Minds

3. Name an actor who would make you more inclined to watch a show: Michael Shanks, Richard Dean Anderson, Joe Flanigan, Kavan Smith, Steven Culp, Connor Trinnear, and George Eads

4. Name an actor who would make you less likely to watch a show: I don't know.

5. Name a show you can and do quote from: Stargate: SG-1

6. Name a show you like that no one else enjoys: I don't think I have many 4400 fans on the flist.

7. Name a TV show which you've been known to sing the theme song: American Dreams

8. Name a show you would recommend everyone to watch: Stargate: Atlantis, 4400 (if they decide to renew it)

9. Name a TV series you own: Stargate: SG-1 (all seasons), Stargate: Atlantis (all available seasons), CSI (two seasons), CSI: Miami (one season), American Dreams (one season), The 4400 (one season), episodes of Andromeda, Buffy, and Star Trek: Deep Space 9

10. Name an actor who launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops in television: Does Mandy Patankin count?

11. What is your favorite episode of your favorite series? Of Stargate: SG-1? I'd have to go season by season!

12. Name a show you keep meaning to watch but you just haven’t gotten around to yet: Chuck

13. Ever quit watching a show because it was so bad? Desperate Housewives, and before my flist balks at me, I only watched it in the first place because Steven Culp was in it, and I try to follow his career for better or worse.

14. Name a show that‘s made you cry multiple times: Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis

15. What do you eat when you watch TV? I dunno. Dinner?

16. How often do you watch TV? When something is on that I want to watch. *shrug*

17. What's the last TV show you watched? Cold Case

18. What's your favorite/preferred genre of TV? Sci-fi, crime drama, fantasy

19. What was the first TV show you were obsessed with? I don't remember. It might have been a Trek series, or V. Or some other sci-fi show. I also went through a Magnum: PI phase, an A-Team phase, and a Riptide phase.

20. What TV show do you wish you never watched? Nothing has scarred me that much. ;)

21. What is the weirdest show you enjoyed? If it's weird, I'm probably more likely to enjoy it.

22. What TV show scared you the most? Ghost Hunters freaks me out sometimes. And X-Files had its moments.

23. What is the funniest TV show you have ever watched? Friends

I need to find a John/Teyla icon.

tv: general, memes

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