Yes, I'm Alive

Dec 26, 2006 18:59


Time for a bit of an update:

* I'm still on a slow computer. If there is a post you want me to see, please comment on this post and link directly to it. It takes eons for LJ to load.

* Happy early Birthday to bright_light and alfabetik!!!!

* I got a gig teaching at my old alma mater. I'm teaching US Modern next semester. The books have already been ordered, so that's one headache I don't have to worry about.

* I went to see The Holiday today. I must say that it was outstanding. It was sappy and romantic, but I had a smile on my face when I left the movie theater. I'm so in love with Jude Law.

* Christmas went well. Merry belated-Christmas! And Happy New Year. (I'm early for that one. :))

* I'm completely enamored with the RHCP's Stadium Arcadium.

* The new Harry Potter book title (just the title, not the actual book) has supposedly been released: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Hmmm... Well, whatever they call it, I'm psyched. Actually, it's a tad bittersweet. As excited as I am for the book, the release will mark the end of the series (unless JKR changes her mind).

* Has anyone read or saw Eragon? Is it worth checking out?

* Heroes is freaking awesome.

* There are other things going on, but I can't seem to remember everything.


life update

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