2 Days To Go....

Oct 21, 2007 19:51

OK, Team East Coast - we just need to have a quick chat about our impending trip to Yaoi Con since, as the subject line states, we only have about 2 days to go (YAY).

SO - dethorats, chibi_trillian, fffshuuu, plotbunny_tiff, and sherriaisling -

Listen Up! )

yaoi con

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dethorats October 22 2007, 10:28:11 UTC
Also! I'm glad you asked about tickets. I WILL NOT have access to a printer after 7 am thru the evening. So, if you wouldn't mind, here is my information.

Confirmation Number: CIAHRU
Passenger Name: Emily Price
Ticket Number: 526-2325073256-6
Account Number: 00000316511311

Also Also: EVERYONE! REMEMBER TO PRINT OUT YOUR Y!CON Pre-Registration Confirmation E-mail!


sherrymarie October 22 2007, 11:36:56 UTC
Everybody but ME should print out your Y!Con Pre-Registration Confirmation E-mail...since I never pre-registered. I never ever do, its so lame. SO, when we get there, all of you responsible-type peeps can get your badges and run to and fro while I wait 75 hours in line to register. I'm just that cool ( ... )


chibimono October 22 2007, 16:20:53 UTC
We can hope in the reg-reg line together! I shall keep you company. :D


sherrymarie October 22 2007, 21:23:24 UTC
Company!!! Yay!

Actually, there was one year where the pre-reg line moved wayyyyy slower than the new register line. And, of course that was the one time that I actually pre-reged.

Me = No Win. Ever.


sherrymarie October 23 2007, 02:14:23 UTC
Oh, and just as a side note - make sure that you have your ID with you when you register. I'm assuming you'll be bring it with you since you need it to get on the air-o-plane, but since Yaoi Con is an Adult Only con, they check your ID at registration.


chibimono October 23 2007, 04:46:19 UTC
I usually pre-reg, but I've never had to print the stuff to mail or take with me. I had no access to a printer for this pre-reg, nor did I even have time to do the actual pre-reg stuff and take it to a Kinko's or whatever. Work has been pretty damn crappy for me lately, and by the time I actually had a chance to use a printer and do my pre-reg... time was up. Fail. D:
But then again, it's not Fail at all, because I shall have an awesome line buddy! :D

And ID I shall have! ^^ I make it a rule to always take ID with me. Because you never know when you'll need some alcohol and have to have ID to get it. ^^;;


shuraiya October 22 2007, 16:52:03 UTC


sherrymarie October 22 2007, 21:25:29 UTC

Be nice to me and maybe you'll get a very special Christmas present this year. ^_^



shuraiya October 23 2007, 01:01:07 UTC
Oh, I will be VERY nice to you! 8D *hopeful*


sherriaisling October 22 2007, 21:20:49 UTC
I definitely don't have enough to go around. Might you have enough for me to steal some for a night? I don't think I've got room in my suitcase to drag along bedding in addition to all of my junk.


sherrymarie October 22 2007, 21:42:02 UTC
Don't worry, I'm swinging by my parents tomorrow afternoon and stealing some supplies from them, so I'll have some extras.


dethorats October 23 2007, 05:10:08 UTC
I have his face fuzz...and I might even be able to grab a wig since I have to go look for a Conrad one for Sherri (which, if you manage to find one of your own, I can still chop up and use for Conrad since I have a feeling I won't find anything for him offline)

And I have a guitar too! It came in the mail today, thank goodness. Otherwise I was going to get you a bowl and some candy so you could be in a diabetic coma all day.

Okay, those directions you printed out earlier should be a big help. And, uh, travel-wise, we'll see. I might just ditch my class after all so I dunno yet what time we're leaving. BUT...if it looks like we'll be there before you leave to get Sherri, I'll call you and give you a head's up so you aren't caught in an embarassing situation with those Victorian sex toys...


sherrymarie October 23 2007, 09:12:03 UTC
Never fear - yesterday I ran out and was able to locate a suitable Toki wig.

Do me a favor and just call or text me when you get on the road so I know about when to expect you. I have some last second errands to run today, but I want to make sure I'm home to greet you gorgeous girlies when you schlep onto my doorstep. And, of course, I want to hide the sex toys. Always.


chibimono October 22 2007, 16:15:50 UTC
.... I fail tremendously because I did not actually get a chance to pre-reg before the timelimit was up. =_=;;


sherrymarie October 23 2007, 00:01:00 UTC
Dude, I was just thinking, if you are taking 95 North to 295 North (which is the way I always travel when I come and go to Baltimore) the directions to my house are easy and as follows ( ... )


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