Birthdays and Work Babble

Mar 10, 2007 07:17

HAPPY BIRTHDAY shuraiya!!!!
(I'm a little late, because 'late' is the lame story of my lame life.)

Also, thank you SO MUCH dethorats and brian_kun!!! I got your package of birthday love! Although I cannot explain it, Zosan mixes surprisingly with Metalocalypse, and the unicorn gum tasted like sweet death. The Cat Lady doll looks disturbingly like me when I first get up in the morning. THANKS. ^_^

Speaking of birthdays, mine is staring me in the face and I have yet to select a place to invade and be celebrated. It falls on Friday, but I'm making my friends take me out Saturday so I have an excuse to have a designated driver haul my ass around the city on St. Paddy's day. I wanted to go to this place called 'Swanky Bubbles', which is a Champagne and Sushi bar, but not everyone I'm heading out with likes sushi, so I'm trying to be considerate. I need to pick someplace today and make reservations, since I'm certain places are going to start getting filled. I'm just SO indecisive!

Weirdest week ever at work. The workload is still ridiculously high and stressful, and then coupled with the demands of my grad school courses when I get home, I'm starting to feel rather burned out. I actually fell behind in school a little bit, and after receiving a 'C' on a paper when I was graded an 'A' because points were deducted for me turning it in late, I got pissed at myself enough to buckle down and catch up. I stayed at work from 6 am until 9 pm on Tuesday and did my school work after my work shift was done, figuring I would not allow myself any sort of distraction at home that would prevent me from doing my school junk. It worked and I'm now caught up, in just enough time to suffer through my midterm this week. UGH. Only three more courses this year to get through....(before tuition funding for this year runs out and I get to take the rest of the year off ^_^)

I got my performance review and a nice little raise so that was pretty sweet. Then, on Wed., my boss drops by and tells me that he wants to talk to me for a while. It was very random so I was a little wary. Turns out that the division for which I work has started this program where the managers, senior managers, and the director take a look at the 100+ employees in the division and select the top five workers whom they identify as having the highest growth and advancement potential. The five selected are presented to the VPs of various business units, and are first in line when various career growth opportunities pop up. And....I was selected as one of the five. ^_^ I was totally speechless and shocked. This is a pretty major thing to be singled out, and I most definitely did not see it coming. Every time I feel as if that place is killing me with its pace and demands, something happens that makes hanging in there seem worth it.

birthdays, school, work

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