More Interview Answers

Mar 04, 2007 19:45

Respones to - sherriaisling, dethorats, and shuraiya

Responses to Sherri-

1. Somehow, Watson gains the ability to speak human. What is the first thing he says to you?

“Oh, hello there. Yes, yes, I can talk, but never mind that. I just want to take this moment to say, ‘thank you’. Yes, Sherry, thank you ever so much for getting me neutered last week. I mean, it was quite lovely having my naughty parts snipped before I had the opportunity to get laid even once. So thank you, you giant human whore. I hope you choke to death on a hairball while you sleep. And that outfit from Thursday? It did make you look fat.”

2. What fandom did you never expect to fall for as hard as you did?

Princess Princess. I never found boys/men dressing as woman particularly appealing. I mean, I want to look at MEN. But….its just so damned cute! *shame*

3. You wake up in a different body. How do you make people believe you are you?

Babble. Its always my mindless babble that gives me away.

4. What job would you have on a pirate ship?

Peg Leg Maker. And if that does work out? Parrot Poop Cleaner.

5. You may only read one book from here on out. Which book do you choose?

The Bible.


OK. Seriously. That’s a tough one, but I’ll go with ‘The Gold Cell’ by Sharon Olds. A book of poetry, but some of the most beautiful words ever put to paper.

Responses to Em-

1. Okay, so this is totally inspired by your icon. Would you read fan-released or professional English manga release of KKM? And what would you do to ensure the ConYuu angle was properly played up?

YES, ma’am. And I don’t think that I would have to do anything to ensure that the ConYuu angle was properly played. I’ve seen snippets of the manga - it’s sooooooo there. ^_^

2. What's your favorite alcoholic beverage EVER?

JESUS. Cosmopolitans. They are just so pretty and smooth. Shut up, I am NOT a yuppie!

3. Who's your favorite Metalocalypse character and why?

…currently, I’m favoring Toki an awful lot. I’m such a sucker for sweet little idiots. My second favorite is all the dead unicorns.

4. What made you want to be an English major? And do you have a specialization or do you just really like to read?

Well, I started out my college career as a Secondary Education major, but then I realized that I hate kids, so I switched to English since it was the only subject that I did half-decent during my very uninspired high school career. But I had a such a great time in my college English courses, discussing books like a big nerd, that I decided that I would like to teach it. So, that’s still my dream, even if I do it part-time. The nerd in me demands it.

5. Naked boys: made better by tattoos, piercings, random bleeding or does that just get in the way of all the bare skin?

Tattoos? Piercings? Random bleeding? YES PLEASE. God, I loved marked up boys in pain almost as much as I love being marked up and in pain….and that may be a little bit too much info….

Responses to Ms. Mary Kay-

1. If you only had one month to live, what would you do with your time? (There are no money constraints!)

Travel all over the place in style. Of course, I would bring all of my friends with me.


ANY KIND WE WANT. $20 minimum.

3. Who is your ultimate OTP that cancels out every single other one in any fandom?

Hmmm…I guess Zoro/Sanji since they have been prominent in my heart longer than any other pairing.

4. What is your favorite work of art and why?

I love anything by Salvador Dali. Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening is among my favorites.

5. Did you like to climb trees as a child?

I was really really afraid of heights until I hit my mid-teens.


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