And I Live...Somewhat

Jan 06, 2007 11:41

Well, cripes, it's certainly been a while since I've updated in here. I have reasons, though, I swear. Before I get into that, I hope that everyone has had a nice fat slice of happiness in their holidays!

Christmas for me was fairly lame. Right after Sherri left me (*tears*), I got wickedly sick. Now, not just one of the very frequent head colds that I'm prone to, but full-on walking corpse sick that lasted over 2 weeks. I just couldn't shake this thing. It got to the point that my mom was calling me and yelling at me to come to her house until I got better. I guess she thought I was going to fall down the stairs and break my neck in my feverish delirium. Of course, being the stubborn asshole that I am, I refused; which was really really stupid. There are so many great things about living alone, but not having someone around to take care of your when you get sick is a definite drawback. Poor me.

Unfortunately, my sudden illness put me behind on sending out the final round of Christmas packages. A handful of you will be receiving extremely late Christmas gifts next week, so sorry for my tardiness! Also, I’m wayyyyyy behind on reading my f-list, so I have my fingers crossed that everyone that I already sent things to received them.

AND I received cards/gifts from the following people who I want to send out my thanks and gooey Love --


You guys are the Cat's Pajamas. The kind with no fleas.

I finally felt better for the New Year, so on New Year's Eve, I ventured out. I went out with my parents and sister for our annual New Year's Eve dinner which was always enjoyable, if always over-priced (thanks, Dad!). I usually don't go OUT out on NYE, being too scared of all of the drunk jerks on the road. More often than not, I just head over a friend's house and have a little stay at home party which has always been enjoyable. However, this year, my friend Erin who is going through a divorce found out that her soon-to-be ex husband was scheduled to have the kids on that night, so she wanted to GO OUT. So, she picked a club, and off we went.

I had a tons of fun. I mean, right away, I knew that it was going to be a good night when I was getting ready to get in my car and head over and then got a phone call with the magic words, "Don't worry about driving, we'll come pick you up. Sandra volunteered to be a designated driver." Ka-CHING!

I'll spare you the messy details, but rest assured, there was not one point in the night when I was even the least bit thirsty.

I got in at 4 AM and was up by 7 AM. I decided to head out to the grocery store around 8 in order to stock provisions to get me through the day. Halfway down an aisle I came to the startling conclusion that I was still mildly drunk. Oops! So, I went home, and spent the entire New Years Day watching the 'Ugly Betty' marathon on the soap channel. It was a lovely time.

As soon as the holidays ended, I was most definitely back to old grindstone. Work is unbelievably crazy as ever, if not more so, especially with me missing so much time towards the end of the year between vacation/sick time. On top of all of that, my MBA classes started this past Wed.! I decided to do Kaplan instead of The University of Phoenix since its slightly cheaper. The classes are 6 weeks at a stretch, and looks to be very very work intensive. 100% online, which I think I'll enjoy.

Speaking of which, I have a paper to write. Man, its been a while since I had to say that. ^_^

new years eve, christmas, school

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