*Looks at Calendar* ...Shit.

Dec 12, 2006 21:09

I cannot even believe that Christmas is less than 2 weeks away. You know, when I was younger, the weeks leading up to Christmas were really really exciting, and while I still find this time of year exciting, its also frantic and insane. Instead of waiting in happy glee for Santa to come, it sometimes feels as if the fat bastard is stalking me.

ocean_phoenix! Thank you so much for the card and pretty new anime. I've been looking for new things to obsess over, so this might do the trick. ^_*

dethorats and brian_kun! At first, I just sat there in awed happy silence for long moments, and I gazed at Gwendal in drag. He's such grumpy little queen. I LOVE HIM. And the CHICKEN. You'll be happy to know that not only does his egg pop out of his backside, but also what appears to be his uterus. And pirate socks! More anime! PANTIES. ^_^ And Conyuu. I'm a little afraid of the corn dog air freshener, but am intrigued all the same. The chocolate is overpowering in its dark richness in all ways that makes me happy. THANK YOU!!!

As for me, I made my first trip out to the Post Office today and sent out about half of my cards/packages. I'm still waiting on some stuff for people, so HOPEFULLY, I'll get it this week so everything makes it to their destinations before Christmas. *fingers crossed*

Sherri should be hitting the road right about now to get here tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to seeing her again, and we have some fun trips planned! First, to Princeton to look for imaginary gay doctors, and to take pictures of all of the places that they may have had imaginary make out sessions. Then, this weekend, we're hitting NYC. Its been way too long since I've been there, and it's Sherri's first trip in, so that should be tons of fun!


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