Jan 17, 2010 08:29
Ok, didn't I say I thought, and hoped, that 2010 would be a better year for me? Well, i was right. I! HAVE! A! JOB! INTERVIEW! YES!!!!!!!
Next week, tuesday the 19th, I have an interview for a secretarial position with the IRS office in denver. I applied for this job last summer, in June I think. When you apply for a job on the federal jobs web site each job has a different application with various test questions. Once you submit your application, you are rated and evaluated, based on your answers to the questions. I rated in the 90's and my app was moved to the next level of consideration. I didn't hear anything for several months. Then this past October, I got an email, asking me to submit a copy of my Schedule A letter. This is a letter written by a rehab professional for a person with what the federal government calls a significant disability, affecting major life functions, in my case, being blind. The letter has to verify that the applicant has a disability and that they can do the job for which they are applying. So, I emailed a copy of this letter off and then waited more. Less than two weeks ago, I got a call asking me if I was still interested in the position, informing me that I was on the short list for an interview and that interviews would begin soon. I told them that yes I am definitely still interested. on Thursday, I got the call to schedule the interview!!!! Interviews are only happening from this Tuesday-Friday, so they aren't interviewing a whole lot of people. I forgot to mention that the Schedule a letter gives me an edge in this process, because it is considered a special hiring preference, meaning that for positions accepting it, a person with a disability can have a preference over someone without. I would still have to be qualified and suitable to do the job, and there are other groups with just as much preference in hiring, groups such as disabled veterans. But it is a slight edge and gives me quite a different feeling than the usual, ok, what will they think when they see me walk in with a guide dog. I haven't had a job interview in almost four year, but I usually interview pretty well; I guess because I genuinely like people and can almost always make a connection in some way. This is the first interview I've had since losing my job in april of last year.
i'm a little nervous about one thing. How do I answer if they ask me why I left my previous job? I've always been told to be honest about it, even if you were fired, because if the truth came out and you had said something different, you'd really be out of luck. most HR people know and expect that most of us will have been fired at least once in our working lives, and consider it almost a rite of passage in the employment world. but how much to say? I cannot say my manager hated blind people and found a way to get rid of me, and even though GDB was doing layoffs at the time I lost my job, that isn't why I lost my job. But how much of the real story to tell? The thing is, I know that GDB can't give out much info, nothing officially beyond dates worked, but if I'm offered this job, I would have to pass a backgroud/criminal check. I've never done anything criminal and except for blasted Nick and that whole mess, never done anything I'm ashamed of or would fear coming out in a background check. would the whole story come out in a background check for a federal job? well, maybe they won't ask. sigh.
another possible job thing is to do independent contracting tech support for freedom Scientific. FS is the company that makes the JAWS screen reading program, among other adaptive tech. A friend told me they were looking, so I sent in my resume with a brief description of my experience. The day after I sent it, I know someone from FS tried to call me, because the phone rang while I was out with Olga. when I checked the talking caller ID, I recognized the FS phone number, but the person didn't leave a message. I'm trying to decide whether to call the person I sent the resume to or to email him again, or just wait. The protocol for handling this kind of thing is always different! LOL.
Pros and cons of the two possibilities. well, the IRS job would mean excellent benefits, including medical, retirement, vacation/sick time, longevity because it's hard to get fired from a federal job. But it would also mean moving to Denver because the commute from here in Longmont would not be practical. This would mean moving away from my only friends. For the possible FS thing, I could work from home, not have to move. But, I kinda doubt that independent contractors get benefits, so i'd have to buy my own medical insurance, probably have to handle my own tax stuff. I wouldn't know how to begin to do that! LOL.
So, yeah, 2010 is already starting off way better than 2009!
Except, boo hoo, i'm out of LJ Idol! I didn't even get voted off. It was my own stupidity. I was trying to decide between two different pieces, each one unique from the other. Then the job interview and FS thing came up, and I was so busy making arrangements for that, writing cover letters, working on getting a last minute hair appointment--well, gee, if you'd seen how bad my color had grown out and how desperately I needed my hair trimmed, you'd understand I couldn't go to a job interview without a hair appointment!--and suddenly, it was last night and I was getting the LJ Idol message about voting and realized i'd forgotten to post anything at all. i'd already had my two BYE weeks, so that's that. i'm so pissed at myself because it was my own stupidity, and i think I could have gone on antoher few weeks before getting voted off the island if I'd just been thinking! GRRR.
So, that's the latest update from me. Please, all who read this, keep your fingers, toes or paws crossed for me, say prayers, send positive vibes, wish upon a star, or whatever you do, to send me all the best hope for the interview! I really need the job!
Thanks to everyone who has friended me and followed my writing and encouraged me during my time with LJ Idol. it's been wonderful to have your comments and encouragement, feedback good or bad on my writing. I wanted to do LJ Idol so I could receive feedback from strangers on my work, and you've all blown me away with the things you've said. And now some of you have become friends too.
I need to go find some breakfast, so that's it for now.
job interview,
lj idol,
job hunting