everything in this world i need

Nov 14, 2008 07:54

tumultuous week...i love how many 'u's there are in 'tumultuous' can you imagine the score on the scrabble board?
yes so obviously im getting back to my normal retarded self. stuff happens...i wish i hadnt run away from it. but how do i face something like that? ive still got the bruises to show for it. dad tried to hug me last night...lets say it didnt go very well...
song and i are majorly spamming one of the photos...with rubbish about star wars characters.
ive decided that ben is c3po, isaac's chewbacca, glenn is wicket, andrew's yoda, emme's a stormtrooper, 'manda's r2, i need to figure out who jabba is...okay maybe realistically id be darth vader...good, then evil then hopefully id turn good again...? but then id rather be han...rebel without a cause...yup thats it ive crossed the line...
i havent packed and im leaving in about...9 hours...and thats with the girls coming over...and jo and seth...wait what am i saying...yes so all the girls are coming over! (snigger)
anyway...im so tired its insane...i had myself a major chocolate pity party last night.
chocolate chip cookies, hershey's chocolate sauce and milk...
oh oh oh and craig horner has the biggest eyes like ever!
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