So I've known for ages that I was probably going to Otakon this year and for weeks that I was definitely going and yet I only just registered for con five minutes ago. (And it turns out that tomorrow is the last day to get in for the cheaper early rate, so yay for lucky timing.) I think maybe someday I should actually do something early, just to shock the hell out of myself. (Plus, not procrastinating like hell might just be really useful someday when I have a big girl grownup job.)
Oh, also. Em and Brian, I mentioned to Mom that you guys were house hunting and she ordered me (pretty much seriously) to make sure that you knew about the
first time home owner tax credit. (And I totally went all html illiterate and had to look up how to do a link. This is what happens when you never use lj.)
And to make this a post full of completely unrelated things: Why is it that the more I really, really want to loose weight, the more I beyond fail at not overeating? *is frustrated* Seriously, self, food does not make things better.