Question: How peeved am I that Karen's ex isn't a chick?
Answer: Very. (Maybe just for selfish reasons, but c'mon! I mean, seriously!!? Her gayness is, like, canon.)
But, if I've nothing to cling to but the overwhelming assurance that in college, she was one of those "experimenters" you always hear about (but never see [I mean, for realsies. Where are they?!]) than maybe I can at least survive by that. But only that, that is all that I have to get me through these dark, JAM-less, Karen-hating, overangsty times.
And, the knowledge that The Office has yet to go the way of Veronica Mars.
Though, sometimes in my heart, I do shun The Office a little, because no one is that mean to a woman on her wedding day. And I stand by that!
Oh, dear. Sometimes I hate so much about the things that you choose to be.
ETA: I've edited this entry about 50 times thus far for spelling errors because I am too lazy to spell check.
ETA the second: n/m