Find Me and Follow Me- By Harlequinehands

Dec 15, 2012 01:15

Username: Harlequinehands/Chicagoartnerd
Title: Find Me and Follow Me
Word Count: 25,689
Characters/Pairings: Irene Adler/Molly Hooper
Rating: M
Warnings: None

Summary:  Molly doesn't know any one else who believes in fate. As it turns out she's the only one who actually knows what's going on. Sherlock and Irene agree to use Molly as messenger to exchange the phone but after meeting her Irene decides she wants two for the price of one. And through a daring escape Molly and Irene find they have more in common than just the acquaintance of one Sherlock Holmes. High class magical lady adventuring ensues.

Author's notes: I had a great deal of fun writing this and as far as I know it's one of the longest Molly/Irene fics to date which is exciting! I want to thank amoralambiguity for making a lovely piece of art for this fic. Links to art and fic below! Happy reading Sherlockians. <3

Fic: Here
Art: Here
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