Title: The Science of Musicality (
On AO3)
circ_bambooFandom: Sherlock BBC
Characters: Sherlock, Watson, Lestrade, Moriarty
Genre: Gen/AU (classical musicians)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 10,500
Content Advisory: Abuse of classical music knowledge; oboe jokes
Summary: Classical musician AU: Sherlock is a professional solo violinist, and John is his new accompanist collaborator. They've got a recital in three months, and someone doesn't want them to do it.
le_prince_lutinArt masterpost:
Here on AO3Author's Notes: Written for the Sherlock Big Bang 2012. Thanks to
feels_like_fire, and
leopardwrites for inspiration, Britpicking, being whined at, and fantastic beta-work and a non-academic-musician's perspective, respectively. And thanks so much to
le_prince_lutin for her fabulous artwork!
Part 1 Part 2