Prompting Part XXIX

May 02, 2012 09:25

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prompting: 29, prompt posts

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Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 1 2012, 15:45:29 UTC
Anyone else notice how when Sherlock is thinking/brooding (especially in the backs of cabs) he tends to touch his own mouth?

So my theory is that though his parents/nannies removed bottles/dummies/beakers etc at the appropriate ages, nothing they could do would stop Sherlock sucking his thumb.

Instead he made himself stop (in public, anyway) when he was 13/14 weaning himself onto the cigarettes, not only for the nicotine but as "more socially acceptable" (less likely to get him beaten up). Because sucking his thumb, or having a fag in his mouth, calms him down. It either stops the buzzing of his brain and helps him focus, or even better, actually lets him relax.

Trouble is, now he's stopped smoking too and he is NOT about to suck his thumb in front of John.

Then he and John start a sexual relationship (Sherlock's first) and sucking John's cock (or nipples, or fingers or ANYTHING) is a REVELATION. Typical Sherlock, having found a new favourite thing he wants it all the time.

Give me John's reaction. And if John can work/find out about what exactly is going on, give me a John who is understanding enough to either encourage Sherlock to suck his own thumb whn they're alone, or finds him something else he can suck when John's anatomy (for practical reasons) is unavailable to him. PLEASE.

TL;DR Sherlock calms down/quiets his over-active brain by sucking things. John provides him with things to suck.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 1 2012, 16:58:42 UTC
Yes yes yes yes yes x 100


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 1 2012, 21:43:04 UTC
SecondingAnon, I believe you left of a few 0s --> x100000?

(no offense meant - just my way of saying Totally Agree)


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 1 2012, 20:14:30 UTC

I fucking love how much Benedict touches his mouth, he does it all the time, not just in character as Sherlock

seconded so hard i think i came


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 3 2012, 16:39:15 UTC
Given just how often Martin/John's lip-licking gets mentioned, and how little, in contrast, there seems to be about this I was starting to think I was the only one to notice Benedict/Sherlock's habit.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 3 2012, 17:34:21 UTC

Ah, glad it's not just me. I am kind of obsessed with it, I'm always looking out for it in interviews. I find it really fucking arousing. And if his hands aren't touching his mouth, then they're stuck in his pockets. Which is quite a strange pose to keep adopting in photos, especially if I can see the outline of his individual fingers. Strange, weird, beautiful man.

I just might have to write this, OP. Might take me a while (I'm not at home til tomorrow evening) but I quite literally cannot stop thinking about it now.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 3 2012, 22:37:44 UTC

I could not thank you enough if you did fill this, Anon. And would happily wait until Doomsday if I had to. :) (I wish I could write sex scenes, but I can't.)

I think the thing for me with him keep touching his own face - quite aside from the beauty of his hands and mouth - is that face-touching does tend to be a self-comfort thing so there's something sort of insecure and shy and vulnerable about it. And there's something... attractive about that IMO.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc erinaceousfic June 6 2012, 22:31:58 UTC
can't be bothered logging out to re-anon, haha. i've started this, but i don't want to post til i've finished, which will be the weekend at the earliest. so don't worry, i'm on the case. :D

i think you're right about the fact it's a comforting thing for him. he strikes me as being very self confident in terms of his acting talent, but when he's got to be ~just benedict~ he seems to get a bit nervous and twitchy. bless him. ilu benny.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 7 2012, 03:43:08 UTC
Another thing I didn't notice until I heard BC himself ranting about it, is his tendency to play with and "twiddle" props. He is just lovely and gorgeous and rather adorable. He also comes across as so *real* if you know what I mean.

I'm really looking forward to what you are going to do with this. Can I pay you back in icons? I have a screencapping obsession and really ought to do something with them other than stare at a very pretty folder. ;)


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc 221b_hound June 2 2012, 07:50:33 UTC
I never knew I needed this, but now I need it A LOT.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc anonymous June 2 2012, 23:24:24 UTC
This is an awesome prompt.


Re: Sherlock/John - Oral Fixation (kinda): thumb-sucking, cock-sucking, nipple-sucking etc peeveee June 7 2012, 07:56:16 UTC
MMMM, yes yes yes


Fill - FIXATION erinaceousfic June 26 2012, 21:38:50 UTC

It's here on AO3, nearly 3.5k so I'm not posting it in separate comments, haha.

I hope it's close to what you were after.


Re: Fill - FIXATION anonymous June 26 2012, 21:52:50 UTC
this was lovely. I like how firmly it est the comforting aspects of sucking on things, and other people's reactions--it made John's presence a more logical progression than S/J usually is for me.

I sucked my thumb well into primary school, to my parents' utter mortification.


Re: Fill - FIXATION erinaceousfic June 26 2012, 22:00:26 UTC
he'd kill me for telling you, but my 32 year old fiancé still sucks his thumb sometimes when he's concentrating (or watching a film), it's really fucking adorable and is also why i knew i had to do this fill!

i'm glad you liked it, and glad you commented so quickly! :D i didn't want to jump straight in to BAM SMUT, and i've not written kid!sherlock before so it gave me a chance to give it a try :)


FIXATION - OP Review anonymous June 28 2012, 08:08:11 UTC
I am so sorry *this* has taken so long. I left kudos on AO3 and then my computer decided to go on a go-slow and I couldn't comment and then BT decided to do some updates which meant my broadband went down. GAH.


I love - adore - that John was all just, "Go ahead and suck your finger if it works for you," even *before* they were romantically involved, just so accepting and so *John*. And I love that you *explored* the history that I sort of outlined, that was lovely. (And your child!Sherlock certainly worked for me. I think my heart broke just a little when he crammed those three fingers in his mouth to try to ease his grief. oh, Sherlock! <3)

And then the sex. :) A little bit awkward and shy and *fond* and lovely. Thank you so much, darlin'. :D

(Maybe you could put a "First Time" tag on it too, b/c I know *I* often search AO3 for J/S fics as first time or "friends to lovers" so maybe it would let even more people find this?)

... I *really* hope you enjoyed writing/exploring *these* boys - let me know if you ever write any more about them? And thanks so much, again. :)


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