prompting part XXIII

Dec 25, 2011 21:12

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IMPORTANT! Spoilers for aired episodes are now being allowed on this area of the meme, without warning. If you do not want to encounter spoilers, please prompt at our Spoiler-Free Prompt Post.

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prompting: 23, prompt posts

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Re: Sight 1d/1 aislingdoheanta February 9 2012, 23:37:40 UTC
“What is, Sherlock?”

“The Hound, John. The Hound!” His voice rose and the growling intensified. Sherlock let out a squeak, perhaps it was a moan, and covered his mouth again.

“I’m coming, Sherlock. Just stay with me, yeah?” A lift dinged. “What are you seeing? What does it look like?”

Sherlock groaned. “I see the hound, John.”

“Sherlock, what are you seeing, exactly?” John was pacing in the lift. “How can you be sure it’s the same hound you saw last night?”

Sherlock took a deep breath and inched forward. “Don’t hang up,” he begged pathetically.

“I won’t. I promise.”

Sherlock glanced out between the bars, eyes skittering back and forth. The hound was rushing around, growling at everything it came across. He was about to pull back when he saw it.

It was just as large and demonic-looking as the last time he had seen it.
“John! I see it, it’s here.” He threw himself back against the bars, trying to get as far away from it as possible.

“I’m almost there, Sherlock. I’m almost there.”

“John,” Sherlock whispered as he saw the Hound advancing on him. He swore he heard laughter in the background. The phone was cutting into his hand. “John.”

“I’m right outside, Sherlock.”

Sherlock heard John shifting around and saw the silhouette of the Hound slink back. He heard the chuckling again and swore he was going insane.

“Sherlock!” John’s form rushed to the cage, throwing it open. He fell down beside his friend and placed a hand on his arm. “Sherlock?”

Sherlock turned his wide, terrified eyes on John. “I saw it, John. It’s here.”

John shook his head. “It’s not, Sherlock. At least, not anymore.” He moved away, but Sherlock reached out and grabbed his arm. Sherlock was trembling and gripping him like a lifeline. “Easy now, Sherlock. It’s alright.”

Sherlock shook his head and pulled himself closer to John. “No. It’s not alright.” He didn’t protest when John helped him out of the cage or when John wrapped an arm around his waist to give him more support.

Sherlock knew what he had seen and knew that this was the second time he had seen the Hound. This time he couldn’t blame it on the hallucinogenic sugar because he hadn’t ingested any. The only explanation was that the Hound did exist.

That or he could no longer trust his own senses.

Sherlock wrapped an arm around John’s shoulders and followed him out of the lab. Sherlock didn’t let go of John until he was entirely calm again. He kept hold of his wrist whenever they began walking again. And whenever they sat, Sherlock made sure that his hand was casually resting on John’s leg or next to his thigh.

Occasionally, John covered Sherlock’s hand with his own or placed his hand on Sherlock’s shoulder. Neither man mentioned it because they both were thinking the same thing.

If Sherlock Holmes could no longer trust the evidence of his own eyes, what could they trust?


Re: Sight 1d/1 nejem February 10 2012, 00:13:34 UTC
Ooh, very nice! It does change everything, to have Sherlock locke din the lab instead of John, doesn't it? Wonderfully done, I could practically see the scene before my eyes, loved it :)


Re: Sight 1d/1 aislingdoheanta February 13 2012, 16:22:53 UTC
I don't normally re-do scenes that were already done because I don't like changing the story, but I really liked this idea and tried to make it work within the original story-line.

Thank you so much for reading and your lovely comment!


Re: Sight 1d/1 rawrgasms March 2 2012, 14:29:26 UTC
Eep. This was so so believable! Gosh. I felt my own heartbeat speed up and everything XD well done! I'm not usually a fan for stories that change the story line like this, though I'm not sure why - it's harmless. But this... I couldn't resist this!

(Mycroft says "ownthe all" ... I think he liked it too)


Re: Sight 1d/1 aislingdoheanta March 2 2012, 21:46:31 UTC
Thank you so much! To be honest, I'm normally really hesitant to change something within the plot--I'd much rather work on something "behind the scenes" so to speak. But this was such an amazing prompt and I really thought that it could have worked.

I'm glad you liked it!

[And I'm glad Mycroft liked it as well. :) ]


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