prompting part XXIII

Dec 25, 2011 21:12

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prompting: 23, prompt posts

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Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous January 7 2012, 18:20:54 UTC
Sherlock’s insistent cries of ‘Mycwoft!’ is what rouses the boy next. It’s day time and his little brother is sitting on the bed, crying.

“I thought you went way!” Sherlock wails when he sees that Mycroft is awake. “Went way and left me alone!” He sobs.

Mycroft sighs, there’s no better time than to explain to Sherlock what’s going to happen soon. After all, Sherlock is turning three soon and he’s getting old enough to understand a lot of things.

“Sherlock, I’m going to go way soon.” He says seriously. Sherlock seems stunned into silence. His lower lips wobbles and he looks ready to howl.

“Not far far way. I’ll have to live in the house and you’ll live with John and Greg, alright?” Mycroft explains quickly before Sherlock can start afresh.

“Why?” Sherlock demands. “I want Mycwoft stay with John and Greg too!” He declares, folding his arms.

“John and Greg are going to spend all their time with you, Sherlock! Don’t you want that?” Mycroft attempts to reason with him but Sherlock is stubborn.

“No. I want to stay with Mycwoft. Fowevew.” Sherlock says. “Mycwoft is going to stay with John and Gweg too!” He insists. Mycroft sighs.

“I’m not.” He says gently.

“Actually, he’s right.” John says from out of the blue. He pushes aside the curtains and enters the tiny ward.

“Though, I would really like to know why you would think you’re not.” Greg says as he enters the ward behind John.

Mycroft is surprised.

“But… I heard you say that I didn’t need to take care of Sherlock anymore!” He says, puzzled and confused. “The only way that I didn’t need to take care of Sherlock anymore is if I can’t take care of him and the only reason I can’t take care of Sherlock is because I’m not living with Sherlock anymore.” Mycroft reasons.

John and Greg look at each other and sigh. John makes Sherlock scoot on over so that he can perch on the edge of the bed and gently touch Mycroft’s good hand.

“We didn’t mean it that way.” He says quietly.

“We meant that you wouldn’t need to do all the things that adults are supposed to do for their children.” John continues.

“Like feeding Sherlock, bathing him, taking care of all his injuries, rocking him to sleep, distracting him when he’s upset.” Greg interjects. “These are things that grown-ups do for kids, not kids for other kids.”

Mycroft still feels puzzled.

“So I can stay with Sherlock?” He asks, not daring to hope.

John and Greg smile, tears in their eyes.

“Oh Mycroft, we already signed the paperwork that says so.” John tells him.

Mycroft can’t help it. He cries.

The move takes two whole weeks. John and Greg help Mycroft and Sherlock pack up all their toys and clothes from their old house. They spend quite some time deciding what they want to take and what they want to give away or sell.

It takes two whole weeks and during that time, Mycroft and Sherlock sleep in the smaller bedroom. It’s not as big as their first one with Mummy and Father but it smells of milk-and-tea (cause Sherlock spilled it on the carpet) and feels like hug-and-cuddles even when they’re not getting one.

It’s on the last day when Greg puts the last box on the floor and Sherlock declares that it’s ‘offcwal’ that they all gather in the living room for a hug-and-cuddle.

Mycroft doesn’t cry, not even from happiness.

This time, he beams.

A/N: There are a coupla plotholes. Please forgive. This is unbeta'ed it's the middle of the night and I'm just glad I ended on 9, not a weird number like 11 or 13. 9 is good. 9 is a square.


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 bmlhillenkeene January 7 2012, 18:35:40 UTC
Oooooh! Ohhh this is just so absolutely beautiful. Thank you so very very much! It's perfect!


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous January 7 2012, 19:00:15 UTC
Aw Mycroft <3 I love this fill, so sweet!


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous January 7 2012, 19:22:10 UTC
Anooooon I'm legit sobbing right now. I don't even usually read kid!fic but this one is really really really good. I want to give kid!Mycroft a big big hug. ;___; Let me join in the cuddling in the living room please!


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous January 7 2012, 20:30:54 UTC
OMG actually crying here, this is such a sweet AU! I hope you consider deanoning and posting it off-meme so it can be linked at the comms.


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous January 8 2012, 11:51:44 UTC
I love it. It makes perfect sense for him to act like a tiny adult in this context- and it's written so sweetly. I especially love how Mycroft has child!logic. It's goddamn adorable.
I really, really enjoyed this.


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous January 22 2012, 10:26:53 UTC
*high pitched noises of joy*

This was lovely! Well done!


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 battywings January 31 2012, 08:14:51 UTC
AAAHHH I JUST WANNA HUG THEM SO MUCH. It's adorable and wonderful~


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous February 12 2012, 04:56:01 UTC
I'm sobbing right now, amazing and


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 makeitrednblack February 12 2012, 04:58:46 UTC
and I forgot to finish this... so continuing -amazing and I'm still fucking sobbing from it


Re: Milk-and-Tea 9 anonymous April 17 2012, 11:35:45 UTC
Dear author anon! That's amazing fic, so touching and so sweet. And poor dear Mycroft!
I'll be happy if you give your permission to translate it to russian language. Thanks!)


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