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Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 23 2011, 00:59:10 UTC
While watching the latest episode of Psych, I couldn't help thinking to myself: 'Well, if Shawn Spencer can do it, Sherlock Holmes damn well could too!'

So, I want to see Sherlock take a case that has him going undercover at an institution for the insane as a patient, with John and/or a yarder also going undercover as a doctor and/or orderly, to make sure Sherlock doesn't get into too much trouble.

No one's all that shocked when it turns out Sherlock is very good at acting insane, but Sherlock is rather surprised to find he really doesn't mind being in the asylum. It's a nice facility, the doctors aren't complete crackpots and fun to run circles around, and, what with the pyromaniac who insists that his name is Guy Fawkes and the girl whose Dissociative Identity Disorder has given her personalities that range from Frank The Plumber to Shirley Temple...well, it's certainly never boring ( ... )


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 23 2011, 01:28:28 UTC
Oh my god.



Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 23 2011, 05:12:28 UTC
Whaaaaaat! What is this madness?! I love it!

Seconded to the power of pineapple!


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock dicingalice November 24 2011, 02:00:52 UTC
hell yeah ~~2nded! pineapples for everyone!


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock annievh November 25 2011, 00:25:47 UTC
I love it! I want it!!

also, my head canon is that Sherlock has been institutionalized, so <3


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 28 2011, 04:19:33 UTC
Oh gawds YES SECONDED!! Someone PLEASE do this for the rest of us raving fans!! Hell if I had money I would pay who ever did it $1,000 to do it (but sadly I don't TT^TT)!!!!


Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 14:53:54 UTC
Sorry, I haven't really watched the movie, but I loved this prompt. Tell me if I should continue. John and Sherlock are in their living room ( ... )


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 15:19:27 UTC
Poor John! I loled at his laments - but we all know he'll end up trotting along Sherlock.

Can't wait to read more! (Can we have Lestrade come over to "visit" the boys at some point?)


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 9 2011, 20:31:13 UTC
OP: Yes, yes you most certainly should continue! This was wonderful and I can't wait to see more.

I'm not quite sure what you mean though, when you say you haven't seen the 'movie'? Since you're on a Sherlock meme, I'll assume you're talking about Psych, yes?

Well, Psych is actually a crime show also, of the comedy/not-quite-drama genre. It's similar to Sherlock in that the main character has exceptional observational skills and uses them to solve crime without actually being a police officer...but it's much sillier.

Here is the episode my prompt is based after: http://www.neontommy.com/news/2011/11/psych-episode-6-recap-shawn-interrupted

And here is the overview of the series on tvtropes: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Psych


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 10 2011, 02:55:11 UTC
Yeah, I haven't seen Psyche, thanks for showing me the episode. Sorry, I'm really busy with mid-terms right now, but I'll try to post the next part. Eventually.


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 16 2011, 23:51:26 UTC
Will you be posting again, Author!Anon?

Please, please don't abandon! I want more!


Fill. (2 Part 1/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:24:03 UTC
Sorry it took so long! It's probably terrible, but I regret nothing. Sorta. Next section of the fill will introduce some of the patients, I promise! I had to split this in half because this section exceeded the character count ( ... )


Fill. (2 Part 1/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:28:44 UTC
Sorry, I was too busy! I had to split this one in half because it exceeded the character limit. This one is sort of terrible. Next section will definitely introduce some of the patients ( ... )


Fill. (2 Part 2/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:30:27 UTC
Gah! Double-post! Sorry ( ... )


Re: Fill. (2 Part 2/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:38:52 UTC
By the way, someone please tell me how to kink meme.


Re: Fill. (2 Part 2/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 20:52:11 UTC
OP: Still love it and still can't wait for you to continue!

But, "By the way, someone please tell me how to kink meme."

What do you mean?


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