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Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 23 2011, 00:59:10 UTC
While watching the latest episode of Psych, I couldn't help thinking to myself: 'Well, if Shawn Spencer can do it, Sherlock Holmes damn well could too!'

So, I want to see Sherlock take a case that has him going undercover at an institution for the insane as a patient, with John and/or a yarder also going undercover as a doctor and/or orderly, to make sure Sherlock doesn't get into too much trouble.

No one's all that shocked when it turns out Sherlock is very good at acting insane, but Sherlock is rather surprised to find he really doesn't mind being in the asylum. It's a nice facility, the doctors aren't complete crackpots and fun to run circles around, and, what with the pyromaniac who insists that his name is Guy Fawkes and the girl whose Dissociative Identity Disorder has given her personalities that range from Frank The Plumber to Shirley Temple...well, it's certainly never boring.

Bonus points if, in the end, John has to pretty much drag Sherlock out of the institution (maybe literally).

Extra bonus points if maybe Mycroft uses his omnipotent powers to extend Sherlock's stay a little...as a vacation, of sorts.


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 23 2011, 01:28:28 UTC
Oh my god.



Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 23 2011, 05:12:28 UTC
Whaaaaaat! What is this madness?! I love it!

Seconded to the power of pineapple!


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock dicingalice November 24 2011, 02:00:52 UTC
hell yeah ~~2nded! pineapples for everyone!


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock annievh November 25 2011, 00:25:47 UTC
I love it! I want it!!

also, my head canon is that Sherlock has been institutionalized, so <3


Re: Mental Patient!Sherlock anonymous November 28 2011, 04:19:33 UTC
Oh gawds YES SECONDED!! Someone PLEASE do this for the rest of us raving fans!! Hell if I had money I would pay who ever did it $1,000 to do it (but sadly I don't TT^TT)!!!!


Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 14:53:54 UTC
Sorry, I haven't really watched the movie, but I loved this prompt. Tell me if I should continue. John and Sherlock are in their living room.

"You have got to be joking. Sherlock, please tell me you're bloody kidding me."

"I'm afraid not, my dear blogger. The evidence points to someone who must have extensive knowledge on human anatomy, work within the facility, and be familiarized with the layout of the institute. It is also likely that the murderer interacts with the patients. My guess would be one of the doctors. As a bored consulting detective, and because Lestrade is desperate-as always, I am to go undercover as an insane patient."

"Couldn't the murderer be a psychotic patient? And why am I here then?!"

"No, none of the patients could possibly the murderer! Didn't you see the body?!"

"You mean the one that was grotesquely mauled and mutilated, with the kneecaps stolen and the ovaries stuck in her mouth? Yeah, I did. A psycho murderer can have knowledge on anatomy, you know. Just because a murderer knows how to cut flesh and locate an ovary doesn't mean they have to have a Ph.D."

"No! Look at the surroundings! Think! The victim was locked away due to having homicidal tendencies, no one apart from authorized personnel could enter! The victim was locked in a prison, far away from any other homicidal schizophrenic and dangerous patients. A psychopath may be clever, but their psychopaths. They seek thrill and entertainment! They wouldn't go through the trouble of killing outside their own ward. They wouldn't even bother pinning the murder on someone else. They would want to see how far they can go without being caught. They love seeing others dance in their palms."

"Sounds like someone else we know." John deadpanned.

Sherlock narrowed his eyes and shifted his position on the armchair, crossing his legs under him.

"Yes, despite the similarities to him, this isn't the work of a psychopath. It's too careful and cautious. Despite the crude method of killing reminiscent to Jack the Ripper, there was barely any detectable evidence. The murderer obviously went to painstaking efforts to conceal themselves. The killer would be roaming free for the rest of his life, if I weren't on this case."

"Yes, marvelous. Would you care to tell me what we are doing now?!"

"I'm sneaking in as a mentally unstable patient, John. Have you not been listening?"

"Yes, but why am I here then?!"

"You are a doctor."

"Yes, excellent observation, Sherlock. What of it?" retorted John.

"You are going to sneak in with me obviously. As a doctor. I need someone to help me investigate the case. Plus, I need something to talk to. Talking out loud about murder deductions would only serve to blow my cover. Skull would just get confiscated." Sherlock murmured intensely.

"Why can't it be Lestrade or Anderson?"

"You know how much Anderson despises me. It would be a disaster if Lestrade assigned Anderson to be my 'caretaker', and Lestrade can't handle my brilliant mind quite as well as you do, so you are going to be my doctor. Additionally, Mycroft thinks I need supervision."

"What does Mycroft have anything to do with this?"

"The hospital is an extremely respected mental ward hospital in Britain. Not only that, the hospital also has a secret wing that is responsible for 'developing new medicines to treat the mentally ill', otherwise known as where the British Government send their secret agents who have been injured during their missions. Mycroft wants this case to have a little media coverage as possible, without the media and the public even realizing they are being censored. He finds the most efficient way to doing that is to with hold some of the more gruesome details and to clean up the mess as quickly as possible, by use of us. Mycroft has used his power as 'a minor government official' to secure us entry into the ward with as little questions as possible."

"So this also involves the British Government."

"Indeed. So, you are going to be my doctor and that's that. End of discussion."

"But I have work, Sherlock! Sarah can't excuse these little adventures forever. She is my boss too, not just my girlfriend. She can't complete all of my surgeries for me."

"Yes, that is true. But this is more fun."


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 7 2011, 15:19:27 UTC
Poor John! I loled at his laments - but we all know he'll end up trotting along Sherlock.

Can't wait to read more! (Can we have Lestrade come over to "visit" the boys at some point?)


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 9 2011, 20:31:13 UTC
OP: Yes, yes you most certainly should continue! This was wonderful and I can't wait to see more.

I'm not quite sure what you mean though, when you say you haven't seen the 'movie'? Since you're on a Sherlock meme, I'll assume you're talking about Psych, yes?

Well, Psych is actually a crime show also, of the comedy/not-quite-drama genre. It's similar to Sherlock in that the main character has exceptional observational skills and uses them to solve crime without actually being a police officer...but it's much sillier.

Here is the episode my prompt is based after: http://www.neontommy.com/news/2011/11/psych-episode-6-recap-shawn-interrupted

And here is the overview of the series on tvtropes: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Psych


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 10 2011, 02:55:11 UTC
Yeah, I haven't seen Psyche, thanks for showing me the episode. Sorry, I'm really busy with mid-terms right now, but I'll try to post the next part. Eventually.


Re: Fill. (1/?) anonymous December 16 2011, 23:51:26 UTC
Will you be posting again, Author!Anon?

Please, please don't abandon! I want more!


Fill. (2 Part 1/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:24:03 UTC
Sorry it took so long! It's probably terrible, but I regret nothing. Sorta. Next section of the fill will introduce some of the patients, I promise! I had to split this in half because this section exceeded the character count.
St. Rufus' Psychiatric Hospital.
The hospital had clean, recently mowed lawns in the front and west wing; the front for appearance, the west for children with psychiatric disorders to play in when they have time and when their doctors allow them. The walls outside were a characteristic white, albeit rather dull from age and weather.
The entire hospital was composed of five wings. There's the frontal wing for visitors and employees to rest, the central wing for the main executives on the first floor and personality disorders on the second and third floors; the west wing for illusion-hallucination type disorders, the east wing for something or other, and the back wing for 'drug medicine developments'.
The building had several floors and was separated into different sections suited for different types of disorders. The patients are organized into each wing based on their diagnosed disorder and are separated into certain floors based on age. Most of the patients admitted into the hospital live there for the rest of their life, unless their disorder is 'cured' or the doctors see no reason to keep them in the hospital and they pose no threat to society.
At least, that's what the managers of the institution told him after he was 'hired' to work here. John had been whisked away on a quick tour and was given a quick rundown of his responsibilities by a woman who looked quite a lot like Anthea. John had no desire to look into the mystery.
Sherlock had already been 'admitted' into the ward, and his room was located on the second floor of the east wing. His supposed illness was, not very surprisingly, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, with 'evidence' suggesting a possible diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. Sherlock barely needed to act.
If John did not know Sherlock previously, John would have assumed Sherlock did indeed have Asperger's Syndrome or Schizoid Personality Disorder. But since John did know Sherlock previously, John might have to add Narcism to the list of possible diagnoses and disorders. And Substance Abuse.


Fill. (2 Part 1/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:28:44 UTC
Sorry, I was too busy! I had to split this one in half because it exceeded the character limit. This one is sort of terrible. Next section will definitely introduce some of the patients!
St. Rufus' Psychiatric Hospital.
The hospital had clean, recently mowed lawns in the front and west wing; the front for appearance, the west for children with psychiatric disorders to play in when they have time and when their doctors allow them. The walls outside were a characteristic white, albeit rather dull from age and weather.
The entire hospital was composed of five wings. There's the frontal wing for visitors and employees to rest, the central wing for the main executives on the first floor and personality disorders on the second and third floors; the west wing for illusion-hallucination type disorders, the east wing for something or other, and the back wing for 'drug medicine developments'.
The building had several floors and was separated into different sections suited for different types of disorders. The patients are organized into each wing based on their diagnosed disorder and are separated into certain floors based on age. Most of the patients admitted into the hospital live there for the rest of their life, unless their disorder is 'cured' or the doctors see no reason to keep them in the hospital and they pose no threat to society.
At least, that's what the managers of the institution told him after he was 'hired' to work here. John had been whisked away on a quick tour and was given a quick rundown of his responsibilities by a woman who looked quite a lot like Anthea. John had no desire to look into the mystery.
Sherlock had already been 'admitted' into the ward, and his room was located on the second floor of the east wing. His supposed illness was, not very surprisingly, Anti-Social Personality Disorder, with 'evidence' suggesting a possible diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. Sherlock barely needed to act.
If John did not know Sherlock previously, John would have assumed Sherlock did indeed have Asperger's Syndrome or Schizoid Personality Disorder. But since John did know Sherlock previously, John might have to add Intellectual Narcissism to the list of possible diagnoses and disorders. And Substance Abuse.


Fill. (2 Part 2/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:30:27 UTC
Gah! Double-post! Sorry!
Once he was 'hired', John had been conveniently 'assigned' to watch over Sherlock and give him regular therapy. Which leads John to reflect on his current situation; he (a recently hired psychiatrist as of yesterday) is supposed to meet Sherlock (a newly admitted patient, and his ward) for the first time. This is the first of their daily therapy sessions. John strides over to a blank white door. Sherlock's door.
Sherlock, unlike some of the other patients, did not have a lock on his door. He had proven that he would not run away, so a lock was unnecessary. John grasped the door handle and entered 'his patient's' room, his uncertainty obvious in his expression.
John finds Sherlock sitting cross-legged in an armchair, one that looks exactly like the armchair from their flat. Sherlock's room was decorated to look like 221B Baker Street, which led John to surmise that Sherlock spent most of his time getting moved in. John wouldn't be surprised if Sherlock still smuggled in the skull, despite what Sherlock said earlier. John wouldn't be surprised if Sherlock had already located every hole in St. Rufus' Psychiatric Hospital's security, and then familiarized himself with every patient's personal information in the Hospital. John would certainly be amazed, but he used up all his shock after the pool...
What does shock John is the other figure in the room, aside from John and Sherlock.
Across Sherlock stands Detective Inspector Lestrade. Lestrade acknowledges his entrance and returns his attention to the conversation he is having with Sherlock. Sherlock, on the other hand, does not acknowledge his presence at all.
John is familiar with this behavior, but he is more interested in why Lestrade is here.
The doctor notices that the bags under Lestrade's eyes have gotten rather dark lately.

"Sherlock, please listen when I say to BE CAREFUL. It took forever to convince the head of the institution to allow the investigation, let alone allow us to investigate the initial murder in the first place. Don't blow your cover and don't do anything reckless or alone during your coming investigation, got it?"

"I assure you, Lestrade, I have no intention on letting the killer escape. This is far too delightfully interesting. I am willing to comply with all your requirements as long as I get to interrogate him at the end, unless I figure out everything before that, (which is not unlikely) leaving such questioning unnecessary."


"And for your information, I have already begun my investigation, Lestrade."

John could practically see each new wrinkle Sherlock carved into Lestrade's face over the past ten minutes deepen even more. And John was fresh out of pity, too.


Re: Fill. (2 Part 2/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 14:38:52 UTC
By the way, someone please tell me how to kink meme.


Re: Fill. (2 Part 2/?) anonymous December 18 2011, 20:52:11 UTC
OP: Still love it and still can't wait for you to continue!

But, "By the way, someone please tell me how to kink meme."

What do you mean?


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