
Nov 10, 2010 12:58

Welcome to sherlock_search. This is the place to find those lost fics or get some recs for the modern BBC version of Sherlock.

Please read the rules before posting.

If you would like to be affiliated please comment here.

I hope everyone enjoys their stay here and helps to contribute to making this a successful community. If you have any questions or problems please don't feel hesitant about contacting me. Either leave a comment here or I am available by PM. I will try to get back to you within 24 hours when at all possible.

Happy searching!

character:lestrade, character:john, episodetag:a study in pink, *need a tag, genre:fluff, genre:angst, *open request, *mod post, genre:hurt/comfort, search:recs, genre:au, character:mrs hudson, genre:friendship, genre:humour, genre:character study, genre:pre-slash, theme:dark!john, pairing:john/sarah, theme:sherlock!sick, theme:supernatural, genre:casefic, genre:slash, character:sherlock, character:mycroft, pairing:sherlock/john, theme:suicide, theme:criminal!sherlock, episodetag:the blind banker, pairing:sherlock/moriarty, episodetag:the great game, genre: pre series/back story, search:meta, genre:crossover, character:sally donovan, *closed, theme:rape, genre:het, genre:horror, pairing:sherlock/lestrade, theme:kid!fic, pairing:sherlock/molly, theme:stalker, character:anderson, genre:gen, theme:john!sick, search:fic, character:moriarty, genre:crack, character:molly, genre:romance, theme:john!hurt, search:fanvid

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