the guy at the counter in Tesco's said that he hoped I felt better soon, aww. I suppose when your basket is full of strepsils, tissues and aspirin there's only one logical conclusion.
Beautifully shot in black & white with some intersecting colour bits. The acting was excellent (especially the people playing the brother & sister bondage photographers) and it had that sort of wonderful nostalgic feel about it. It felt like a 1950s film, brilliant :-). The film itself is tame, which really reflects that photographs & films that were made - the scenes in the courtroom were great.
I thoroughly recommend watching.
Loved the final quote: "Adam and Eve were naked in the Garden of Eden, when they sinned they put on clothes."
A man
dreamed a 'phone number, texted it... met, fell in love and got married. Wow. Some dream!
Half of French UFOs remain unsolved. Surely if you solve only 9% you're left with more than half?
Three day tube strike threatened... I know tube drivers do a hard job (and I couldn't do it) but they're already paid more than doctors! Over time is a way of making more money I know, but surely tube drivers should have restricted over time just for plain ol' safety reasons?
Millions will revolt over introduction of ID cards. This might be the 21yr old in me talking but I don't mind having an ID card, it'd make things simpler for me. I'm 4ft 9 and generally get ID'd when trying to buy films rated 15 or above - I personally don't think I look under 18 but my height often makes people think twice about serving me without getting an ID. I don't hold it against them, working at Blockbuster's I found out lots of scary things about the under-age selling thing - if I had been caught letting an under-age person (regardless of whether they looked older) take out a 18 (or even a 15 or 12) rated product I could face a prison sentence of a very big fine. I don't always carry my provisional driving licence (my only ID with a photograph) and having something with my age & photograph on would be fine for me. I can understand why people are against them though. Comments?
Plant spotters, have you ever wondered
how to spot an alien plant?
Oh. HSBC is
introducing a better bank for those who earn more than £75,000 a year. Apparently those with more money expect better service... What happened to us poor saps who earn less than £15,000? Not that I bank with HSBC, but I still expect a good service from my bank. I'm fine with Coutts asking for a minimum of £500, 000 because well, that's always been an exclusive bank.
Walked past the French Alliance, thought about asking how much their courses were. Looked
online, eep. I wonder if I can find a local class... or perhaps I should pay my co-worker to teach me? Looked at the courses with the
City Lit, I can actually afford to do these and many of them are in the morning. Maybe I should since going to university has been put on indefinite hold due to the phenomenological costs involved, and also the OU has gone out of the window as well.
May have taken too much medication, feel a little high.