Pompey the draghound

Feb 07, 2007 15:21

Oh. My.

Stupid MISS!

How to make your own draghound:

1) Find a picture of a drag queen you like for inspiration (I used this rather scary looking one)
2) Find a picture of a sweet innocent little dog (mine is a beagle)
3) Find a picture of a dress you think would match your choice of dog (mine is this)
4) Fiddle, scream, pull your hair out, yell at your image software...
5) Add some accessories (mine)
6) Make-up, a girls gotta have make-up... (Sorry the make-up is a little crud, I have personally never worn anything other than a bit of theatrical slap)
7) Report to your nearest psychiatric hospital for further testing

Heh, well... at least it's not vegetables again.

sherlock holmes

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