I can't sleep (annoyingly right now it's 6:30am and I have to leave for work in 5hrs) and I keep thinking about things ranging from Norse myths, abbreviations, and other not very useful things.
For some reason I was thinking about my favourite Norse Myths (when I was little I had a book on Greek Myths in comic book form and my mum got me a Norse Myths one which I absolutely loved... it eventually fell apart), and then had a strange moment of "ooooh!". Bit like when I was thinking about the parallels in 'Order of the Phoenix' and 'Les Miserables'... (I'm sure
snarry_fan7 will be able to correct any whoopsies from this point on)
The Jormengandr (or the Midgard Serpent) was the child of Angroboda (giantess) and Loki (Norse God of Mischief and Trickery), Odin (head God) had heard about a prophecy that predicted his death (or the death of the Gods, can't remember) and it involved the three children of Loki. He sent Hel to Nilfheim, which was the underworld for those who died of sickness or old age, to the Norse the only way to die was in honour on the battlefield so if you died of sickness or old age it was considered a humiliation and you had to go to Nilfheim. He gave Fenris the wolf to the other gods to try to tame him and he cast Jormengandr into the oceans. She grew so large that she could encircle the world and if she thrashed her tail about she'd create tsunami's and tempests, there's a cool story about her conflict with Thor (God of Thunder) but that's not where this is going... anyway, the Midgard Serpent myth leads onto a not quite so mythological creature, the Kraken. (Other people in this story include Utgard-Loki the King of the Giants who ruled over Utgard... see where I'm going?)
The Kraken is a giant giant squid (which are apparently becoming bigger and more common), which makes me wonder... is the Giant Squid at Hogwarts related to the Kraken? Now there's a story idea that hasn't been done... 'The Untold Story of the Hogwarts Giant Squid'.
From this I somehow got onto abbreviations.
In Harry Potter fandom there are lots of abbreviations to explain character pairings, I tried to make one for Holmes fandom but ended up with too many silly ones (Sherson was my favourite). Some of them are cool, others are strange.
Snupin - Snape/Lupin
Snart - Snape/Lockhart (or sometimes GL/SS = Gliss)
Snevens - Snape/Lily... but I think this should be Snily.
This then led onto me thinking about what I want to do with my life... then I got depressed and made a cup of tea.