Retool 'n Grind in SF, Tranny Roadshow in Berkeley, and More

Apr 04, 2005 08:52

Before I get to the fun stuff, a plaintive plea: I am in need of a bed and a job. The need for employment is more urgent, of course, but if you have an old mattress or futon you've been looking to get rid of, please let me know. (And yes, I'm familiar with Craigslist.)

Though I'm taking the night off, my radio show Rush Hour on the Event Horizon is Monday from 8-10pm on Pirate Cat Radio, 87.9fm in San Francisco. It's online via "Public Radio" on iTunes, and on the Pirate Cat Radio site. My super-special guest host will be KROB. Tune in and give him the love.

This Wednesday, I'm hosting Retool 'n Grind, the FTM-and-friends open mic. Share your talent, be it words, music, dance, plate spinning or some combination thereof. Eros, 2051 Market across from Safeway, 7pm, Free, All Ages.

Thursday night, The People's Republic of Berkeley will be occupied--er, I mean, LIBERATED by the Tranny Roadshow. Performers on this "J" and "K"-heavy limb of the tour include Blake Nemec, Judy Jordan, Jamez Terry, Kelly Shortandqueer, Katastrophe, and Kat Espe. As if that weren't already more than five bucks worth of entertainment right there, representing for the letter "S" is Shawna Virago, Solidad Decosta and myself. How can you go wrong? You can't. So get over your Bridge fear and be there. The Long Haul Infoshop, 3124 Shattuck Ave (two blocks east of the Ashby BART station), 7pm, $5, All Ages.

Note: I will *not* be performing with the Tranny Roadshow on Friday in San Francisco. Was gonna, now not gonna.
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