Hopefully I won't be posting too much dreck, but we'll see. I'm trying to post at all. *Eh heh*
I went to the ER Monday evening after a strange little incident (four to six seconds -- count them -- of tingling leading to numbness of the fingers and toes and lips and tongue, that then went away with no after effects at all. No pain at all, either). the dooctors there questioned me, then decided to keep me overnight for observation. I had many interesting tests, including a nuclear heart scan (or if you're the president, a nu-cu-lar heart scan) a stress test (I was stressed, so I passed) and the Amazing MRI.
MRI's are cool if you know what to expect. Now I'm one of those people who *likes* snuggle enclosed places -- I used to make tents when I was a kid, and my mother has a picture of me sleeping in the linen closet, on the second shelf down from the ceiling -- so the claustrophobia aspect didn't bother me. The noise level (which is considerable, even with earplugs) didn't bother me. In fact, it was kind of cool and had a rhythm to it, so I found myself hearing game music in my head ("wow! this is definitely the Black Mage town theme from Final Fantasy IX!"). Other than the rhythm aspect, the different noises that an MRI machine makes basically make it seem like you are inside the generator for all the bad sound effects for 1980's SciFi shows. Plus they've shoved you into that teeny corridor they used to use in the original Star Trek (only smaller, really.) The only time it bugged me is when the Red Alert klaxon went off, for a couple of minutes, and I was left wondering if that was the machine or the fire alarm and was I being stupid passively waiting inside the MRI while the hospital burnt down around me? (It turns out that *particular* noise is for a new type of scan -- used only in the last 3 years or so -- that detects signs of a stroke FAR earlier than any other method available. Needless to say, it didn't find any signs of a stroke.)
Yeah, MRIs are cool, but I'm glad I don't have to do that too often. Even if I did drowse a lot during the test. And Zack HATES them.
In new news -- Rude (the name of a minor FF7 character, a Turk, for those who don't know) finally got a foothold in my head. Mind you, he's been there on the fringes for quite awhile, but now I know he's there. In at least two forms if not three. Yay! More characters! [/sarcasm]
Aaaand it's late, so I'll cut this comment not very short and wish you all a very good night.