Fic: 4 drabbles

Apr 19, 2011 06:25

Title: Paying the Utility Bill
Author: Brat Farrar
Characters: Rodney
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: for gen_drabble challenge 8: precious
No scheduled blackouts yet, but give it time.

Title: 3/4 Time
Characters: John, Halling
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: for gen_drabble challenge 9: time
Was and is and might not have been.

Title: The Daily Grind
Characters: Rodney
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: for gen_drabble challenge 10: accident
At least they have a whole city-worth of spare parts.

Title: Scratched
Characters: Helia
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: for gen_drabble challenge 24: treachery
Atlantis won’t obey. Atlantis won’t obey.

author-bratfarrar, fiction-general, fiction-rodney, fiction-minor chars, fiction-john, fiction-au

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