Fic: 5 drabbles

Mar 15, 2010 21:57

Title: And So
Author: Brat Farrar
Characters: John, OC
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: gen_drabble challenge 1: beginning
Later, John will think back on his mother's stories and wonder what exactly she'd been thinking when she told them to him.

Title: Leaf and Twig
Characters: Teyla
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: gen_drabble challenge 4: leaf
Eventually, home means something different to her, although she will not be able to say why.

Title: There Is No "Try"
Characters: Ronon
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: gen_drabble challenge 5: brother
He's all that's left of Sateda. These people don't seem to understand what that means.

Title: Scratch
Characters: John
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: AU; gen_drabble challenge 6: scratch
Just how does the ATA gene sequence work, anyway?

Title: Where No Storms Come
Characters: John
Rating/pairing: G, gen
Notes: gen_drabble challenge 25: comfort zone
Not all exiles are unwelcomed

author-bratfarrar, fiction-ronon, fiction-general, fiction-teyla, fiction-john, fiction-au

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