A Walk in the Woods by Kriadydragon

Jun 12, 2009 17:49

Title: A Walk in the Woods
Author: kriadydragon
Rating: PG-13 for non-explicit violence and a non-explicit scene of gore, gen
Characters: John, Rodney, team
Summary: AU. Sheppard likes to take walks, and it's not right. Rodney POV. Huge hugs and thanks to wildcat88 for the beta.

A/N: This story is based on The Price, a short story by Neil Gaiman (found in M is for Magic.) Halfway through reading, I was hit with the thought "That is Sheppard! That is so Sheppard!... if Sheppard were a black cat." The thought then spawned, laid eggs and eventually hatched into this adaptation, with similarities and with differences (for example, Sheppard is not a black cat;)). You do not have to read Gaiman's story to know what is going on in this one, though it is a story I highly recommend if you're looking for a good, quick read;)

A Walk in the Woods

fiction-friendship, fiction-team, fiction-teyla, fiction-whump, author-kriadydragon, fiction-rodney, fiction-ronon, fiction-john, fiction-au

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