Brainstorm Tag

Dec 26, 2008 07:50

Title: Attack of the Not So Killer Flu Bug
Rating: G
Author: seramercury
Characters: John, Ronon, Teyla
Notes: I hope everyone had a great Christmas. And now here's the tag for Brainstorm. Only two more to go and I'm all caught up! :D

John glanced over at Ronon as they walked through the 'gate. "It's not that funny," he insisted.

"Yeah it is."

If looks could kill, Ronon Dex would be dead right now. John was pissed just thinking about it. Their camping trip, for the most part, had been a relaxing experience. Something they definitely needed.

That is until the rain started on their way back to the 'gate (after the Jumper had refused to initialize) and John slipped falling into the biggest mud puddle ever. Luckily the rain seemed to have washed off any trace of the mud, but now all he wanted to do was take a hot shower.

Of course the first thing he was going to have to do was make a stop at the infirmary. If he didn't have Ronon steering him towards there, John would have skipped it for the shower first.

"Note to self: remember that this is the time of year for monsoon season on M1X545," he muttered.

Keller wasn't back yet from Earth so Susan Cole came up to him. "Colonel."


The next morning John was heading to his quarters after his jog around the city with Ronon. He didn't admit it to the Satedan but he felt as if death warmed over. If his friend did notice it, he didn't mention it to John.

He took a deep breath as he went into the bathroom for a shower. His stomach was already rebelling against the coffee had earlier and suddenly John was kneeling over the toilet.

He wasn't sure how long he sat there, but it had to be a good 15 minutes. John slowly stood up and went to the sink to rinse out the taste in his mouth. Once he finished, he grabbed a pair of sweatpants and shirt then headed up to the infirmary.

Dr. Cole had just sat down with her coffee when John came into the room. "Colonel!" she said, rushing over to him.

Instead of responding John cried out, bending over and clutching his stomach. He could vaguely hear Susan bark orders to her staff as he was lifted and placed onto a bed.

"Doc!" he gasped out.

He felt hands lift him and something thrust under his mouth as he became sick again. After what seemed like an eternity, John ceased and he was able to lie down. The stomach cramps seemed to have calmed down.

"Just relax, Colonel," Susan said, placing a hand on his forehead. "It looks like you have a stomach flu. Probably from falling in that mess of a mud puddle yesterday. I've given you something to calm the nausea and cramps and I'll be giving you fluids to keep you hydrated.


She smiled. "You'll be good as new in no time."

"I hope so," he replied as sleep was claiming him, "cause I feel like shit right now."


The next time John woke he was in quarentine. Teyla was standing outside the area speaking to one of the nurses. She must have sensed his eyes were on her so she turned to look at him.

"John," she said over the intercom. "How are you feeling?"

"A bit tired. Hungry, but afraid to eat anything. How long have I been in here?"

"You do not remember?"

He shook his head. "Not really. The last thing I remember was coming from the camping trip with Ronon. Then there are flashes of being sick and horrible cramps, but beyond that..."

"Nearly two weeks."


"Dr. Cole called it a stomach flu. I do not remember the scientific name for it, though," Teyla said. "She said you most likely picked it up from your surfing planet. She is also suggesting we avoid that planet in the future."

"Aww. That planet had some sweet waves, but I know better than to tempt fate. One bout of this flu was enough for me! Any word on McKay?" Teyla seemed to want to be anywhere by there at the moment. "Teyla?"

Teyla held her hand up as the nurse returned. With a nod she entered the room. "According to the tests they just performed you are no longer infected. Dr. Cole will be here shortly to talk to you."

"And you're going to talk to me now, right?"

"I am, John. According to Mr. Woolsey, a scientist friend of Rodney's used a matter bridge to attempt to control the weather on Earth."

"Wait," John said. "You mean that thing that sent Rod here?"

Teyla nodded. "Yes and it nearly took your planet with it. Luckily Rodney and Dr. Keller were able to stop it. They are both well and the Daedalus is on it's way."

John attempted to stifle a yawn then moved to get comfortable. He winced at the pull in his stomach muscles. "So they tell you how civilian scientists were able to get a hold of Rodney and Jeanne's work?"

"John, you will be able to read the report later," Teyla said as Dr. Cole made her way to them. "For now you must rest."

Dr. Cole smiled as she entered the room. "I couldn't give any better advice than that, Colonel," she said as she began to check his vitals. "Would like something to eat before or do want to wait?"

As if on cue, John's stomach growled. He looked up at the women, face red. "Um, maybe a little something to eat first?"

"I'll send someone down for some broth for now," she replied.

Teyla spoke up. "I will go."

"Thanks, Teyla," John replied. "So Doc, how much longer do I need to be cooped up in here."

"At least another few days, Colonel. You are seriously dehydrated despite our best efforts to deal with that via IV. I'd say you would drop to the ground if I let you out of this bed right now."


"I know you'd rather be in your own quarters, but for next few days you will follow my rules, is that understood?"

John eyed her warily. "Were you a drill sargeant in aother life?"

"Wouldn't you like to know."

John chuckled as she left the room and settled into bed. He knew Teyla was coming soon with his food but his exhausted body seemed to want sleep more. Soon he had drifted off to dreamland.

fiction-ronon, author-seramercury, weekend challenge, 5th season episode tags, fiction-teyla, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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