Remnant Tag

Dec 22, 2008 13:02

Title: Sleeplessness=Not So Great Dreams
Rating: PG
Author: seramercury
Characters: John, Teyla, Rodney, Jennifer, Ronon

John sat up in his bed, eyes wide and breathing heavily. He just wanted to smack that damn AI. He hadn't had dreams of Kolya coming to kill him or his teammates in the last year and now he was experiencing it for the third day in a row since it left.

He hadn't told anyone of his sleepless nights but he knew it was going to catch up with him. He was just glad his team was on leave. Woolsey thought that it would be best for each team to have three days off within their rotation barring any emergencies of course.

Since he knew sleep wasn't coming back, he jumped in the shower and got dressed. John was feeling decidedly sore this morning so he decided to skip his jog. As he headed to the mess hall, John's head started pounding and his stomach felt as if someone had kicked it multiple times.

Soon he was dropping to the floor. John closed his eyes in an attempt to squeeze the pain in his head away. He suddenly began to cough and opened his eyes when he felt something dripping from his mouth.


Shakily he reached up to key his radio. "This is Dr. Keller."

"Doc," he gasped out.

"Colonel? Are you all right?"

"Don't think so. Not sure what the hell is happening. Feel like I've been beat to a pulp."

He listened as she barked orders to her staff. "Where are you now?"

"A few steps from my quarters. Don't think I can get up."

"Just relax, Colonel. We're on our way. What's your pain level?"

John couldn't respond because he was starring at his wrists. His hands were still there but they were bleeding heavily. His heart was beating wildly in his chest. He was just imagining this... right?


John blinked, looking up at Keller. "Doc, help me." He noticed that she gave him a once over but didn't move. "Doc?"

"Relax, Colonel, there's nothing wrong."

Okay John was really confused now because he was bleeding all over the damn floor and he hurt like hell but Keller was telling him he wasn't injured at all. He screamed when she touched his wrist and it fell into the crimson puddle...........


John opened his eyes to the familiar sight of the infirmary. He saw that he was sitting up in the bed, Teyla's hand on his wrist. "What the hell?"

"Colonel are you all right?" Jennifer asked running over to him. "Your vitals were all over the place."

"What happened to me?"

Teyla helped him to lie back down as she explained. "You haven't been sleeping well in the past week. I convinced you to see Dr. Keller and she was able to prescribe something for you."

Jennifer nodded, continuing. "The pills only seemed to heighten your dreams instead of allowing you a peaceful rest. Do you remember what you dreamt about?"

"Uh... I'd rather not talk about it," John replied. "I'm still a bit tired, though."

"I thought as much. I'm not going to give you anything else, though. Just take it easy, Colonel."

John smiled. "Thanks, Doc."

Once the pair was alone, Teyla spoke up again. "You said you felt like you had been beaten but we so no signs of injury on you."

Before John could reply Rodney and Ronon came over to them. "It's about time!" Rodney exclaimed. "I thought Ronon was going to have to punch you awake."


"What? Right. Sorry. So I guess the next time you're having trouble sleeping you'll let Jennifer know."

"Like you would."

"I'm just saying..."

John yawned. "How about you go away so I can sleep some more."

Teyla was going to remain and find out what John had meant by his earlier comment, but before Rodney could even turn to leave, John was out. "Sleep well, my friend," she said.

fiction-angst, author-seramercury, weekend challenge, 5th season episode tags, fiction-john, fiction-whump

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