Ficathon story - "Busman's Holiday" 2/2

Aug 30, 2008 10:24

Title: Busman's Holiday, pt. 2
Author: Michele Cross
Rating/Pairing: PG, John/Liz
Characters: John, Rodney, Carson, Elizabeth, Teyla, Ronon, Kate, Lorne, and two OC's.
Summary: Rodney is kidnapped on Atlantis by a new scientist, John is injured rescuing him.


The first thing John became aware of was that he was in pain and felt sick. The second was that someone was holding his hand. The third thing was that Rodney was making way too much noise for his head to cope with.

“Are you awake, John?” Elizabeth spoke from his side and it was enough to wash the remainder of sleep away as he struggled to open his eyes.

He managed a groan in answer as the light seeped into his eyes at last.

“I’ll take that as a yes, let me get Carson.” Her voice sounded so good, if only he could wake up to her beside him every morning he would be more than happy.

His hand felt cold when she walked away.

“Sheppard are you finally back in the land of the living and stopping your living dead impression?” Rodney McKay’s voice sounded from right next to him.

“Rodney?” He croaked, his mouth felt drier than the Sahara dessert.

“Yay, it lives!” Came back the sarcastic reply.

“What happened?” Things were a little confusing for the Colonel at the moment.

“I’m not really sure myself you know. Carson said something about a moderate concussion; I see two of you when one is way more than enough!” Rodney crossed his arms looking unhappy. “He won’t let me go until I have normal vision.”

“That’s right, Rodney I would nae want ya walkin’ inta brick walls because ye couldnae tell which wall was the real one!” Carson’s voice was welcome. Maybe now John could get some sort of real answers. “How are ye feelin’, Colonel?”

Elizabeth slipped in behind Carson and smiled at John and there was relief in her eyes as they met his own. The look was reminiscent of the feelings John himself often had after one of Atlantis’ all too often crises and much like the one that had happened during the seige when Kolya tried to say that he had killed Elizabeth. A red mist had descended that day.

It was then that John had realized that he was in love with Elizabeth Weir and that there was no way that she would or could ever feel the same about him. It was that day John decided, after the storm had passed, that he could never show Elizabeth how he truly felt towards her.

Yet sometimes when she smiled it made his knees go weak and his heart begin to thump.

Unrequited love can be painful and bitter sweet.

John tried to find a comfortable spot to sit/lay in but it was hard.

“Don’t ye be movin’ around too much, Colonel or you’ll set the wound bleeding again.” Carson admonished him.

“Water?” John managed to croak.

“Of course.” Carson poured the water that sat in a jug on the table beside him. He then helped him drink it. “How is that pain?”

“I’m good thanks.” John needed a clear head to find out what had happened. “I’ll have something for the pain a little later but first what happened?”

“What do you remember, John?” Elizabeth had moved to his side but had not touched his hand again. John found that he was both relieved and disappointed at the same time.

John thought back trying to clear the cobwebs so to speak. “I can recall Rodney being knocked out and kidnapped and me trying to get him out.”

“Aye, ye were doin’ a good job and I think that Rosenberg would have surrenderd without a problem but for Baker.” Carson told him gently. “He moved just a fraction and we think Rosenberg panicked thinking it was a double cross and shot you. Ronon in turn stunned him. I’ve had to sedate him since for his own safety.”

“He’s that bad?” John was amazed yes the man had seemed a little… nuts for lack of a better word but… “He said that Rodney had been trying to recruite him for months, that Rodney had been telephoning him, writing and leaving messages for him for six months.”

“But Rodney hasn’t been to Earth in that time.” Elizabeth sounded surprised.

“I’ve never met him before he came here or even heard of him.” Rodney sounded as surprised as the rest.

“I’ve asked Kate Heightmeyer to see him once he is awake to see if there’s anything she can think of to help him.” Carson told them.

“The notes that you requested for Doctor Rosenberg have come through, Carson.” Terri-Ann Pickering hurried through with the notes in a file for him.

“Thanks, Terri-Ann.” He smiled at her. “Perhaps now we can find out what the hell is happening here. I doubt the SGC would let anyone this unstable into the program.”

“I was thinking about that.” John admitted tiredly. “He was too good a shot to be a ’new’ scientist with the SGC.”

“That could be because he isn’t Paul Rosenberg,” Carson sounded absent minded.

“What do you mean he’s not Paul Rosenberg?” John demanded before trying to push himself up into a sitting position using his left hand and wincing when pain lanced through not only his right shoulder but his left hand. He fell back against the pillow with a gasp.

“I told ye not ta move ya bloody idiot!” Carson thrust the papers at Ronon without thinking and moved into help settle John down once more.

“I wasn‘t in pain.” John managed to grind out from between stiff lips.

“Maybe not, but ye are know.” Carson helped ease him back before picking up the chart at the foot of the bed. “Terri-Ann, can ye get the lad some morphine?”

“Of course.” She took the chart and moved away.

“Carson, what do you mean he isn’t Paul Rosenberg?” The pain had ebbed enough for John to try again.

“Just what I said Colonel, this isn‘t Doctor Rosenberg, at least not the real Paul Rosenberg.” Carson took the file back from Ronon opened it to a certain page before taking out a Polaroid picture and handed it to John Sheppard. “This is the real Paul Rosenberg and I don‘t think we have any idea who the man is we are holding, but it is not him.”

John took one look at the photo and sighed. How they’d managed to get away with getting this man to Atlantis he didn’t know, it was also something the SGC themselves would have to look into but one thing he did know was that Carson was right, the man that they called Paul Rosenberg was not the real one according to the picture.

“I need to speak to Lorne.” This was the last thing they needed.

“Aye I thought ye might so I asked him ta come down.” Carson told him with a sigh. “Five minutes that’s all ye getting’ an’ no more.”

“Thanks, Carson.” He grinned at the other man, they knew him too well. “Elizabeth, we need to inform the SGC and let them know that we have an imposter. We also need to find the real Doctor Rosenberg. Doc, when can I get out of here?”

“I’ve already informed the SGC and they want us to run the investigation this end and have said we can have all the resources we need.” Elizabeth spoke up. “We took finger prints from this ’Rosenberg’ and the SGC have them already. If he has a record then we will find him.”

“I don’t understand why he thinks Rodney interviewed him.” John couldn’t hide the wince as he moved and jarred his shoulder. “How bad is this, Carson?” He realised that he hadn’t even asked, just worried about Rodney and not himself.

“I had ta remove the bullet, it didnae come out on it’s own. It was lodged in ya shoulder blade. It could have been a lot worse, mind you, it could have severed either a nerve or artery. Luckily it did neither.” Carson sighed with relief.

“How long have I been out?” That was the next thing he had to worry about. That and the fact that he’d missed his meeting at the SGC. Landry was going to give him hell about that.

“Several hours, lad; ye lost a lot o’ blood which we had ta replace an’ then we had ta take ya ta the OR to remove the bullet. It all took some time. But never mind worrying about that as I know this ’Rosenberg’ is nicely in custody and ready for you to question when I think ya able to.” Carson was already checking his bandages.

“When do you think that will be, Doc? I need to let the SGC know that I won’t be with them for today.” John couldn’t stop the hiss of pain that Carson caused by his probing fingers.

“Not fer some time I’m afraid that shoulder needs rest and physical therapy as well.” Carson frowned at him.

“I’ve spoken with the SGC and General Landry, John and he is aware of what has happened. He sends his best wishes and hopes you have a speedy recovery. He also wants you to see about the investigation this end.” Elizabeth tried to reassure him, but as John had said many times before her bedside manner left a lot to be desired.

“Thank you. Can you get Lorne here? I really need to talk to him.” John winced again as Carson’s probing continued. “Doc do you have to do that?”

“What?” Carson blinked at him in confusion for a second before realising what the problem was. “I’m sorry, Colonel that morphine should be here any second.”

“I’m fine if you don’t poke me, Carson.” John’s voice was pain filled.

“I guess I won’t be poking’ ya then.” Carson grinned back.

“Weir.” Elizabeth was tapping her earpiece. “I see thank you, Chuck can you or someone bring it down to the Infirmary or send it email? Thanks.”

“What was that, lass?” It was Carson who beat John to the question.

“We’ve had some interesting news sent to us from the SGC I’m having it sent to my PDA so that we can look at it.” Elizabeth had whipped out her PDA and was scrolling down to find the item that she wanted.

“Hopefully it’ll be good news.” John was only too pleased that Carson Beckett had stopped his poking now, as it was his shoulder still throbbed. “Carson please call Lorne?”

“Aye, Laddie that I can do fer ya.” Carson tapped his own earpiece. “Beckett to Lorne.”

“You need to rest as well, John.” Rodney had been watching all that happened from his perch on the bed next to John’s. His head was thumping in time with his heartbeat, he felt nauseous to say the least, and the double vision was only making it worse.

“You too, Rodney how’s the head?” John turned to look at his friend. Rodney looked very pale and a bruise was already forming on his forehead where ’Rosenberg’ had hit him.

“Sore but I’m ok.” Rodney told him quietly and John frowned, that was not like Rodney at all, this was too quiet. Quiet and Rodney McKay just did not exist. “I have a headache and they keep shining that damn light in my eyes.”

That was a lot more like Rodney and John relaxed a fraction. He would not relax fully now until he knew what was happening with ‘Rosenberg’.

“They have to, Rodney to make sure that you’re not doing something nasty like bleeding into your brain.” John teased, although his voice was tight with pain.

“Very funny, Colonel-I-Don’t-Think.” Rodney sniffed back him. “At least some of us have brains to worry about. Who knows what goes on under that messy hair of yours?”

John just grinned; this was what he loved about his friendship with Rodney McKay. The fact that they could snark at each other and say things that most other people would take as an insult without upsetting each other. For them, though it worked just fine.

“There’s nothing wrong with my hair. You’re just jealous.” The pillow was comfortable behind his head. It also supported his shoulder that was now really beginning to hurt.

“Why would I want to be jealous of that?” Rodney asked indignantly.

“Gentlemen!” There was a mixture of exasperation, fondeness and the stern tone of a mother who had seen this all before. As Elizabeth had, she had seen too many times before how the ‘arguments’ her two main men could go if left alone to carry on. “If I could have your attention?”

They had the decency to look abashed and nodded like two naughty little boys, well one looked like a naughty little boy the other had large hazel puppy dog eyes that she had to look away from or they would get exactly what they wanted from her… They had to think she was some kind of push over.

It had never worked on her before and it would never work now.

“I’ve had some results from Earth. The finger prints have come up with a hit.” Elizabeth told them.

“We know who he is?” John winced but would not remind Carson he had not followed up with the painkiller, he wanted to be clear-headed when he found out what was going on.

“We know who he is.” Elizabeth spoke back just as grimly. “His name is actually…” She paused to look at her PDA. “Mark Rosenberg, twin brother of Paul Rosenberg.”

“Twin brother?” Ronon had never heard of such a thing.

“Ronon, ye can have two non-identical twins. They come from two separate eggs rather than one as identical twins are formed.” Carson filled him in explaining how twins were developed in the womb and losing him completely.

“So these two are non-identical twins?” Elizabeth asked.

“Aye they must be to look so differently. Normally they have different personalities from each other as well.” Carson told them all.

“That actually shows up in my report. They seem to be doing all the same things until they reached seventeen and then it all changes. When they go to college Paul does really well, Mark drops out. Gets into drugs and drink in a big way.” Elizabeth frowned down at the PDA in her hands.

“Aye that happens as well.” Carson did not seem surprised.

“Paul went on to gain his Ph.D while Mark dropped out of college.” Elizabeth looked up then and her lips thinned. “I should also tell you at this point that Doctor Rosenberg was found dead last week in his apartment. He had resigned from his job to start here so no one thought it was odd when he seemingly vanished. Even the landlord was not worried, as Paul had paid his rent to the end of the month even though he was leaving Earth. He apparently said that his brother would be packing his things and staying at the apartment during that period. It was only when the smell got to be too much that they called the police and they broke in to find the body.

“How was he killed?” John was beginning to feel more and more uncomfortable and he was tempted to ask to be left alone with Elizabeth for this briefing, but he knew they all needed to know what they were facing.

“A knife wound to the heart although there were signs of a struggle.” Elizabeth answered quickly.

“He knew his killer then. To let them in and to let them get close would mean that he was happy to have the assailant in the house.” John’s mind was working fast.

“Like a brother?” Carson asked.

“Just like a brother, Carson. Elizabeth how long was his notice period at his old job? He should have been here three weeks ago, as his brother was on his behalf. But no one thought it odd that he hadn’t been seen at all in the time before that?” Rodney was astonished.

“It does happen, Rodney.” John spoke up from the bed. “People lead busy lives, so when a person isn’t seen for one day it’s assumed they’re ill or been called away. The next day it’s the same until finally they stop thinking it odd that they haven’t been seen and carry on with their lives.”

“How do you know this?” Carson was astonished.

“It’s just a fact, Carson it happens all the time. You read about it in the papers or on the news. Normally it’s elderly people with no other family. It’s sad I agree.” John wanted so much to shrug but didn’t dare move.

“The Colonel is right, Rodney it does happen all the time, it happened in our neighborhood when I was at college. An old man who never married and had no children. He’d been dead almost a month before anyone realised. My Ma felt guilty for a long time afterwards, she couldn’t believe that no one had noticed. It was very sad.” Carson recalled.

“But for no one to notice!” Rodney was just very shocked.

“Aye, I agree but it shows that it can happen.” Carson agreed with the astro physicist.

“That just leaves one question. How he fooled the SGC.” John spoke from his bed and he was watching Elizabeth closely.

“That was unbelievably the easy part. Paul had done everything other than have his photograph and fingerprints as well as retinal pattern taken.” Elizabeth told them. “He would have just needed to prove who he was and we all know how easy it is to forge ID. All he would have needed to do was…”

“Change the photograph on some ID and anyone would think it was him. I’m guessing passport.” John finished for her.

Elizabeth scrolled down her PDA and checked the information again. “He used his passport and ID papers.” She affirmed.

“It would have been too easy. Most of the other checks would have been done and completed. Just the last few pieces to slip into place and as no one would have been introduced to the real Paul Rosenberg at the SGC itself no one would think twice that the hair coloring was a little darker or that he was a little bit thinner.” John sounded frustrated.

“As you said, the things he would need he could put his hands right on, the letters from the SGC, certificates from the University anything we would ask for he had to hand and could produce.” Rodney sighed. “I thought they were more thorough than that, that someone could take over someone’s place and no one notice smacks of negligence to me.“

“General Landry is incredibly angry that this could happen as it has, he has already instigated changes in the recruiting process.” Elizabeth informed them.

“What they need to do is have a photograph of the person before they are even interviewed so that it stays on their file, not just on the medical file; also fingerprints at that first meeting. Perhaps a code that only the prospective member knows as well.” John was thinking ahead again.

“They decided on the photograph already but the other two ideas are very good and I will pass them over to General Landry for you.” Elizabeth gave him a beaming smile that caused his heart to flutter. “How are you feeling, John you look very pale.”

John hid the wince at that he hadn’t wanted anyone to notice until he had finished this meeting. “I’m fine.”

“No ye not, lad anyone can see that. Let me see where that medication is.” Carson just shook his head at John and hurried away to find Terri-Ann.

“The one thing that really puzzles me is why he changed places with his brother and why is he blaming Rodney?” John tiredly wiped his face.

“I guess we can only wait to find that out.” Elizabeth told them. “There’s nothing that we can do for the moment.

Lorne hurried in then. “Sorry I’ve taken so long, Colonel. I was organising who I wanted to look after Doctor Rosenberg.”

“That’s fine, Major thank you for looking after Rosenberg, although he isn’t Doctor Paul Rosenberg.” John told him dryly.

“He isn’t?” Lorne looked puzzled.

“No, he is Mark Rosenberg and to add to his charges there is now a murder charge.” Elizabeth told him eyeing John worriedly.

“Who did he murder?” Lorne was serious now.

“His twin brother, Paul.” Rodney told him from his bed.

“Twin brother?” Lorne was really confused now.

“I know it sounds confusing but yes, he murdered his twin brother and took his place on the expedition. Other than that we have no idea as to why he has done this or why he blames Rodney for being here.” John told him.

“Aye and he’ll be visited by Doctor Heightmyer when he wakens to see if he is sane or not. From what I heard I think he might be psychotic.” Carson and Terri-Ann had joined them, bearing an injection tray. John made at face. “For now I’ll ask ye ta wait outside fer five minutes while I see ta the Colonel and get him comfortable.”

“Of course, Carson. I’ll finish updating Major Lorne for you, John.” Elizabeth told him gently. “Just rest and get better. “

With that, she led the others from the room, stopping to tell Rodney to sleep and rest as much as he could.

John let the Doctor pull the privacy curtains before asking. “How long will I be here, Doc?”

“A wee while, Colonel until I’m sure that there is no infection in ya wound.” Carson told him as he placed the tray on the table. “I need ya hand, John.”

John lifted the hand the Doctor had gestured towards, the hand with the IV in. “Sure, Carson. There’s no way I can recuperate in my room?” He knew he was pushing it but he had to try.

“No, Colonel.” Carson’s voice was firm. “I know ye too well, John I know ye’ll be racing around Atlantis an’ no’ restin’ as I want ye ta be. If ya try to escape, I’ll sedate ya and strap ya ta that bed. Ye’ll no’ be leaving here until I’m happy with ya, get it?” Carson was already prepping the syringe as he was speaking.

“I get it, Doc.” John admitted, the way he was feeling there was no real fight in him.

“Good, now that we’ve got that sorted lets get that pain of yours under control and get the others back as well, although I want ta check that wound an’ make sure that it’s no’ bleedin’ anymore.” Carson knew how deep and long the wound was and the potential for it to bleed more if John tried to use that arm.

“I’ll admit it hurts.” John closed his eyes and leant back against the pillow.

“I’m not surprised; Colonel that was quite a thump ye took, the area is bruised as well.” Carson quickly gave the injection IV if John Sheppard said he was hurting it had to be bad, given that his pain threshold was so high.

“Thanks, Carson.” John gave a quick smile.

He said nothing more as Carson looked at his wound and by the time he had finished John Sheppard had slipped into sleep.

Carson had to smile at the sleeping man and as he left the bedside, he kept the curtain drawn. He headed out to the others waiting in the waiting area.

“I’m afraid ye goin’ ta have ta come back when he is awake, but for the moment Colonel Sheppard is sleepin’ an’ that’s what he really needs.” Carson told them as they stood.

“That sounds good to me.” Elizabeth looked relieved.

“Good, I can call ye when he‘s awake.” Carson was pleased that they hadn’t argued with that.

“Thank you, Carson. How is Rodney really?” Elizabeth asked gently.

“I’ve only really kept him in as I know he would be wantin’ ta sit with John an’ this way I can keep an eye on him an’ make sure he rests properly. I’ll be releasing him come the morning barring any problems.” Carson had a grin on his face.

“That’s evil, Carson.” Elizabeth could not stop her own grin from forming.

“Aye but he needs ta rest after that hit ta his head an’ we do need ta keep an eye on his neurological responses.” Carson told her but there was still a twinkle in his eyes.

“Of course.” The twinkle was in Elizabeth‘s eyes as well.

“What’s happenin’? Is there any more news?” Carson took one of the seats.

“Nothing yet. When do you think you will be releasing John? I’m sure that he’ll want to be involved with the interrogation with Rosenberg when we do it.” Elizabeth had to ask, she knew John would want to be there, there was no doubt about that.

“It’ll be a coupla days before I’ll even contemplate the idea o’ releasing him, he’s gonna have a great deal of difficulty using that arm as I’m sure that he will find out before too long.” Carson could only shake his head that was just like John push and push hard, way before he should be.

“He’s not going to like that.” Elizabeth could imagine the arguments that was going to cause.

“Aye but he’s gonna have ta live with it.” Carson told her firmly.

“He’s going to want to speak to Rosenberg once Kate has seen him.” Elizabeth knew her Second in Command.

“Aye an’ if he’s doin’ as he’s told I might let him, but on two conditions.” Carson was firm on this and nothing they said could or would change his mind.

“What would they be, Carson?” Teyla spoke up from her place beside Ronon; up until now she had been silent, listening to all that had been said.

“He uses a wheelchair at all times and I am with him. He is weak from the loss of blood and surgery, there is no way I am letting him walk to the brig!” carson told them emphatically.

“He won’t like that.” Ronon rumbled but he had a look of approval on his face.

“No but he’ll just have ta take it.” Carson’s word as CMO was after all final.

“Good, we’ll just have to make sure that John accepts it as such.” Elizabeth sounded pleased. “You know John had a feeling something was going to happen this morning.”

“He did?” Carson asked with one eyebrow arched in query.

“Yes, he did. I found him out on the balcony this morning, early at that, and he was saying that he had a feeling that something wasn’t right.” Elizabeth sighed. “I thought that he was just trying to get out of going to Earth and I didn’t take it seriously.”

“Did John say what he thought was wrong?” Teyla looked as surprised as the others did.

“No, just that he had this feeling that something wasn’t right.” Elizabeth replied.

“He gets these feelings sometimes on missions and he is always right.” Teyla explained.

“I wish I’d been aware of that. Perhaps this wouldn’t have happened.” Elizabeth sighed once again.

“You could not have known. John did not know what the problem was, so how could you have known?” Teyla placed a reassuring hand on Elizabeth’s arm. “There was nothing anyone, John included could have done to stop this from happening.”

“I know that’s what I’ve been telling myself but…” Elizabeth shrugged helplessly.

“You have nothing to be sorry for, Elizabeth.” The voice from behind her was soft and yet strong at the same time.

“Kate!” Elizabeth and the others all turned around to find that the expedition’s psychiatrist standing behind them.

“I’ve just been to see Mr. Rosenberg.” Her face gave nothing away, remaining calm and in control. “Such a delightful man.”

“Did he hurt you?” Ronon growled almost as if wishing he had so that he could go and get some fighting practice in.

“No, but he was very vocal and I have to admit not a nice man.” Kate didn’t seem to be ruffled though.

“What do you think of him?” Carson asked as they settled more into the chairs he had gestured towards.

“I would say he is psychotic. He truly believes that he is Paul Rosenberg at times. At others he knows he is Mark.” Kate informed them.

“Did he give any reason as ta why he’s blamin’ Rodney for this?” Carson asked.

“No, he became verbally abusive when I asked him that, calling Doctor McKay all kinds of names. I’ve had to sedate him again. He knows he killed his brother though.” Kate knew her news would be received well.

“He did? He admited that?” Teyla asked, surprised.

“Yes, he did. Apparently his brother, according to Mark, used to try to get one over on him by pointing out that he had a Ph.D and Mark didn’t. Paul also this last time bragged about getting onto a Top Secret Project, something his brother would never do. That was when Mark snapped.” Kate looked each of them in the eye. “I think it was a case of one last piece of straw breaking the camel’s back and he snapped.”

“Do you have proof of this, if we have it on…?” Elizabeth began but stopped when Kate held up a tape.

“It’s all on tape.” Kate smiled at the pleased looks on their faces.

“Good, that’s one major obstacle out of the way.” Elizabeth sighed with relief.

“How are Rodney and John? I heard that they were involved. Mark Rosenberg was incredibly vocal about Rodney in particular.” Kate admitted.

“They’re both gonna be ok, Rodney has a minor concussion and some bruising, he’ll stay with me overnight. John took a bullet to the shoulder but he’ll be fine as well given some time.” Carson told her with a relieved smile, he had thought it was going to be a lot worse than that when he had seen John fall as he had. “You might want to make a slot free though, I’m sure that Rodney will want ta speak with you about his ordeal.”

Kate Heightmeyer smile was gentle and full of compassion. “I was already expecting that. No one can go through something like that and not need to talk to someone about it. I’ll have empty appointment times over the next few days for when he wants to talk to me. I only wish that Colonel Sheppard would do the same.”

“Aye, I know what ya mean but knowing him he’ll deal with it his own way and not want ta be a burden.” Carson sighed a little with frustration.

“Did Mr Rosenberg say why he was after Rodney?” Teyla asked.

“All he kept saying was that Rodney had made him come here, that he was in his head. Classic signs of schizophrenia.” Kate replied.

“Schizophrenia?” Teyla looked puzzled at the word she had never heard it before.

“It’s a mental illness that makes the person sure that they are hearing voices and seeing people that are not there. It can be treated by medication if it caught early and the symptoms are mild. I think it would be best to start him on an anti-psychotic drug.” Kate explained to Teyla and finished with speaking to Carson.

“Aye, leave that with me an’ we’ll consult and decide what drug would be best.” Carson told her.

“Do you think we will ever find out why he believes Rodney recruited him to the project?” Elizabeth asked with a frown, there was still so much that they were in the dark about.

“I doubt it, Elizabeth he is too out of it to get a really coherent answer; when you mention Rodney’s name he goes off the deep end, and it’s why I had to sedate him.” Kate was rubbing her left arm without realizing it.

Carson caught the move though. “Did he hurt ye lassie?” Concern colored his voice.

“I’m fine, Carson he lashed out and thumped my arm, and it’s only a bruise. The marines stopped him immediately.” Kate tried to reassure them.

“I think it would be better if Carson took a look and made sure that is all he’s done.” Elizabeth was also worried and she was looking at her friend with concern. “Please do that?”

“Of course.” Kate could see the concern and decided that she would not add more stress to the situation. “It means I can make sure that Rodney knows my door is always open to him when ever he needs it.”

They all went their separate ways then. Elizabeth to the Gateroom and her office to let the SGC know what was going on. Teyla and Ronan hurried into the infirmary to sit with their friends. Carson and Kate also followed so that Carson could look at Kate and make sure that Rosenberg really had done nothing more than bruise her arm.

As for Evan Lorne he walked with a grim face back to the brig to give the men there a lecture about keeping the doctors and scientists of the expedition safe and sound and not allowing prisoners close enough to cause harm. It was a lecture he knew John Sheppard would give when he found out and he knew it wouldn’t hurt to reiterate the point right now.


John woke some time later to hear Teyla and Rodney speaking softly. To his surprise when he opened his eyes Ronon was asleep in the chair next to his bed his feet resting on his bed.

“John you are awake.” Teyla was there and smiling at him. “How are you feeling?”

“Better thank you.” It was true as well, his arm wasn’t as painful and he was more clear headed than he had been previously.

“Good, I will get Carson he asked that we do so when you awoke.” With a gentle, pleased smile she hurried off to find Carson.

“How are you feeling, Rodney?” John gently pushed himself up with his right hand and winced as even that small movement hurt his shoulder.

“I’m good too. Carson said I could go to my room in the morning, but until then I have to stay here, although they are still taking my vitals every couple hours.” Rodney sounded really pleased at that fact and it made John smile with the normality of it. “Kate came by and said I could see her any time I wanted to to deal with the trauma that I sustained from being kidnapped.”

“Good, that will help.” John’s voice was sincere, he could still recall the feeling of shock when he had seen Rodney unconscious on the floor at Rosenberg’s feet, if Heightmeyer could help him all good and well.

“How’re you feeling? Perhaps now Carson will feed us.” There was an aggrieved tone now in Rodney’s voice.

“Aye I’d like an answer ta that question as well an’ ya not long ago had food, Rodney.” Carson had come into the room with Teyla walking behind him grinning happily.

At the word food, Ronon’s feet dropped to the floor and woke up. “Food? Where?” He looked around alert to the fact.

John had to stifle the laugh that he knew would hurt so much at their antics.

“The pair of ye are nothing more than a couple’a walkin’ trash cans!” Carson was shaking his head but there was fondness in his voice. “Do the pair of ya do anything’ more than eat?”

“We’re growing boys right, Ronon?” There was a wink and a conspiratorial tone to Rodney’s voice.

“Yeah what he said. There’s food?” Ronon looked hopeful.

Carson sighed the pair were incorrigible. Completely incorrigible. “Colonel how are ye feeling? Do ye think ye could manage some food?” He watched John with a critical eye.

“That would be nice, I’m a little hungry.” John admitted.

“Ronon why don’t ye an’ Teyla get this pair somethin’ ta eat from the kitchen an’ I’ll take a wee look at the Colonel here.” Carson asked them. “Teyla just somethin’ light fer the Colonel an omlette or soup fer now.”

“Of course, Carson.” Teyla nodded at him. “Come Ronon we can get something for you and Carson as well and I will let Elizabeth know that John is awake once more.”

The two of them left and before John knew it the curtains were closed and Carson was probing his sore shoulder. It was not as painful as it had been but it was still sore and John was not liking the examination that it was getting from Carson.

It was a relief when Carson finally stopped. “Ye doin’ nicely, Colonel a coupla days an’ ye’ll be as right as rain.”

“Good.” John sighed with relief, it was nothing to do with Carson he just much rather be in his own quarters than in the infirmary with all its antiseptic smell and noise. “How is Rodney really doing?”

“He’s fine, his concussion was only mild I just wanted to make sure he was alright physically and mentally. I’ll be releasing him come the morning. I’m gonna get ya some oral analgesics ta make sure that the pain is totally under control.”

“Thanks, Doc for everything.” John said as Carson helped him get the gown back on and then helped him sit up against the pillow so that he was comfortable and would be able to eat and see all that was going on around him. “Maybe I can have a pair of scrubs later?”

“Maybe if ya keep yaself calm and do as I say.” Carson would not be drawn on this as he pulled the privacy curtains back.

Ronon and Teyla were back with trays laden with food. Elizabeth had joined them as well.

“Hey.” She welcomed him with a smile. “It’s good to see you looking a little better.” He’d stopped looking pinched with pain and pale she was pleased to note.

“Hey, thanks.” He replied as Teyla set his omlette before him. “Thanks, Teyla.”

“You are welcome, John we brought food for everyone as it is very near the evening meal. Elizabeth?” Teyla handed her a plate and fork as well.

“Thank you, Teyla that would be nice I haven’t eaten yet.” Elizabeth drew a chair up and sat beside John.

“There you are.” Carson handed her the food and sat down with his own plate.

Soon they were all eating.

“What’s happening with Rosenberg?” John had taken a couple of mouthfuls of food only to realize that just filled him and he was now pushing the omlette around his plate.

“I’ve spoken to General Landry and he’s had Kate’s report on his mental condition and it’s been decided that he is going to be committed when he is sent back to earth.” Elizabeth was enjoying her meal of mystery meat.

“Just that? No murder charge or kidnap charges?” John frowned at that, not really believing what he was hearing.

“Yeah that’s what I’d like to know.” Rodney agreed his arms crossed where he sat in his bed.

“Based on what Kate has said and what we ourselves have seen he is not exactly sane at the moment because of that and the fact that the Stargate program is still classified, he can’t be tried, just kept at a place of safety.” Elizabeth explained.

“Aye, we do the same in the UK. If he ever is sane again then he could be tried but he would possibly be treated as being of unsound mind and committed anyway.” Carson looked up from his own meal. “Are ye no’ eatin’ that, John?”

“I’m not all that hungry; I’ve had some of it.” John admitted. “Hang on, Kate’s already seen him?”

“Aye when ye were sleepin’.” Carson told him.

“Did she have protection with her? I hope Lorne made sure that everything was as it should be.” If he found his men had been lax he would go ballistic.

“Aye the marines guarded her. I think Lorne has had words with them mind.” Carson took another forkful.

John’s head shot up at that. “Why?” He was instantly alert despite the pain and tiredness that seemed to be dragging him down.

“It seems that she had to sedate him and he got a lucky punch in.” It was Elizabeth who told him, she had been dreading it, but he also had to know before someone told him the bad news. It would be better coming from her.

“What!” John growled and they all knew he was not impressed with the news. “You said she was guarded. How could he have hurt her if she was guarded? What injury?”

“A bruise to her right upper arm.” Carson told him. “Nothin’ else no other injuries an’ she was no’ even shaken. Relax.”

“Relax? My men let a civilian get hurt and you tell me to relax?” John was looking at him as if he had grown not two but three heads.

“Yes, relax as I have said Major Lorne has sorted it out, from what I can gather the men concerned have been given an incredible lecture.” Carson’s voice was both calm and amused at the same time.

“Oh?” That stopped John in his tracks.

“They were given a lecture on how badly they had let you and I down.” Elizabeth was grinning him. Lorne had reported to her after the fact and had told her everything that she had done. She had approved of his actions totally.

“Good, wait until I finish with them.” John growled. It was bad enough they had let him down, he could live with it, but to let Elizabeth down as well? That was just not gonna fly.

“They’ve also been given a month’s worth of KP duty.” This time Elizabeth was grinning at him, she knew as much as he did that the men hated KP duty for some unknown reason.

“Good, just what I would give them.” John approved of that. “But I am still going to give them a lecture!”

“I didn’t expect any other.” Elizabeth knew him all too well it seemed.

“Good. I want to see Rosenberg.” It wasn’t a question either.

“We thought you might and Carson will agree to letting you see him today but it’s on one condition.” Elizabeth’s voice was pleasant and she was grinning and for the first time John was a little uneasy, they had agreed too easily… there had to be something up.

“What would that be?” Oh yes Ronon and Teyla were grinning as well…

“That you use a wheelchair for the trip.” Carson was the one who broke the news to him.

“Why? I’ve injured my shoulder not my leg.” John was not impressed.

“Yes, but what you haven’t factored into the equation is the fact that you have also lost quite a bit of blood and although we’ve replaced it you will still feel its effects.” Carson told him sternly. “You either use the chair and see Rosenberg or you don’t and I won’t let you leave the infirmary. It’s down to you, lad.”

“Ha! That’s got you.” Rodney crowed from his bed, his meal already finished.

“Very funny, Rodney you would be the same if this was you.” John shook his head at him.

“Who says that?” Rodney sounded indignant.

“I don’t say I know.” John said calmly back trying not to smirk. “Ok, Carson I’ll use the damn chair, but it’s not because I’m happy about it, far from it.”

“You’re going to use the chair?” Rodney sounded so surprised, as if he had expected John to argue about it.

“Gosh, McKay has anyone told you how quick you are at getting things?” John couldn’t help but tease; this was them and their relationship. Unlikely friends to start with it was what seemed to gel them together.

“Very funny, Sheppard.” Rodney crossed his arms and glowered before frowning and rubbing his forehead.

“You alright, Rodney?” Concern replaced sarcasm.

“Yea, just a headache.” Rodney gave him a wan smile.

“Rest when you’ve eaten?” Carson would have butted in but he heard the underlying worry in John’s voice.

“Yeah, I think I will.” He placed his fork on the plate that still had food on it. Always a sign that something was wrong when Rodney didn’t clear the plate.

“I’ll get ye something fer the headache.” Carson called a hovering nurse over. “Tina, love could you get me some Tylenol for Doctor McKay?” His own food was forgotten as he reached for Rodney’s drug chart.

“Of course.” Tina took it and wondered off.

The rest of the meal was spent in quiet chatting.


It was much later that night when John Sheppard and Ronon made their way down to the Ancient cellblock in the lower levels. Ronon was pushing the wheelchair as quickly as he seemed to run, not that John minded. He was inclined to tell Ronon to stop and let him walk the rest of the way, if Ronon had not been given firm orders from Carson to keep him in the chair.

“What’re you gonna do?” The rumble came from behind him.

“Talk I guess, try and find out why he targeted Rodney.” John would admit that was the one thing that worried him, why the man had Rodney in his sights.

“Yeah, that’s odd.” Ronon said.

Odd indeed, it actually passed that and into the unanswerable for the moment.

The guards came to attention as they came into view. John waved them off. The first thing John and Lorne had completed once the meal had been consumed was to take the original guards off duty until John had spoken to them about the incident with Kate, so these were new guards looking after Rosenberg.

“At ease.” John told them. “Any problems, Talbert?”

“None, Sir he is awake but hasn’t caused problems, he actually seems to be compus mentus.” Talbert told his CO.

“Good, perhaps he can answer some of our questions then.” John nodded to Ronon to carry on.

“He’s with it?” It was an angry mumble from Ronon.

“Let’s go see.” John was as angry as Ronon about what had happened, but he had calmed when he realised that the awful feeling he had felt that morning was gone, vanished as if it had never been there.

The cellblock was arranged so that each prisoner could be seen from the corridor, their rooms/cell consisted of a bed, table and chair and a sink all but one side was open to view. A toilet was hidden behind a wall so that they could have privacy, although there was nothing in the toilet that they could use as a possible weapon.

Rosenberg sat in one corner on his bed, his knees drawn up so that he could rest his head on them, they could hear him muttering from where they were.

Ronon cleared his throat to get the man’s attention.

Rosenberg looked up at that, looking for all the world like a startled rabbit.

“Have you come to let me out? I have work to do; I need to get back to the lab.” Rosenberg surged to his feet and began a restless pacing.

“No I’m sorry, Rosenberg but I can’t let you out until you go back to Earth.”

“That’s Doctor Rosneberg to you and why would I want to go back to Earth when I’ve only just arrived?” Rosenberg turned to glare at them.

“It’s not Doctor.” John kept his voice calm. “You have no right to use that distinction that belongs… belonged to your brother.”

“My brother?” You have to be kidding me. That worthless idiot? A doctorate?” Mark Rosenberg sneered all the more.

“Yes, Mark your brother Paul.” John sat back to see how that was taken.

“Paul? I’m Paul you must have things confused.” Rosenberg looked down his nose at him. “Is that sling for show?”

Ronon growled and took a step forward. John stopped him with a shake of his head.

“I should inform you that we’ve found your brother’s body and he has been formally identified by your parents just this morning.” Well his personal effects had been identified there had not been much left for his parents to make a formal identification. Lying in a warm room for weeks would do that. “As for my arm you tell me as you were the one to shoot me.”

Rosenberg looked puzzled for a moment and then the confusion seemed to clear. “I did that?” There was wonder in his voice.

“Yes, you did.” John confirmed. “Can you tell me why you took Doctor McKay hostage?” This was where the fireworks could potentially be set off.

“McKay? That idiot?” Rosenberg sneered and seemed to pull himself up to his full height.

“For an idiot he does awfully well with two Ph.D’s.” John sat back gently in the wheelchair; he would need some pain medication when he got back to the infirmary.

“He tore my last report to pieces! Told me a child could do better!” John had to admit that sounded like the Rodney McKay that they all knew and loved. “He was the one that came and headhunted me!”

“I need dates for that, dates of when you saw him or he called you, can you give those to me?” John knew that the real Paul Rosenberg had applied for the position and not been head hunted as Mark Rosenberg was saying, that information had been confirmed by the SGC.

“Dates? I can give you dates. They started four months ago, the calls, the knocking on the door.” Rosenberg was working himself up nicely and John could see the madness in his eyes now.

“Funny thing about that.” He told the other man calmly.

“What? What’s funny about it?” Rosneberg was stopped in his tracks.

“Well you see the odd thing about all of this is the fact that Doctor McKay has not been to Earth for the last six months and the only person he has contacted is his sister.” John informed him.

“He has, he came to see me!” Rosneberg didn’t sound so sure.

“I can assure you that he didn’t. I’ve been working with him as has Ronon here.” John nodded to the Satedan behind him.

“I… I…” Rosenberg didn’t know what to say. “He took the micky out of me.”

“McKay takes it out of everyone but that doesn’t mean that we take him hostage and knock him out.” John shook his head, he wasn’t sure what Kate Heightmeyer was getting at but he couldn’t see that the man was mentally ill, he‘d so far been able to answer all of his questions clearly.

“He deserved it.” Rosenberg’s voice was cold and firm.

“Why?” That was the real question.

“He is an idiot. He thinks he is the only one who can solve problems! He isn’t, if he were to stand back and let the rest of us show him how good we are he would see. He is egotistical! He has no right to tell someone that their work isn’t good enough and tear it to pieces.” Suddenly the calm and rational Rosenberg was gone and in his place someone very different. “He should be brought to task for what he has done. Everyone thinks he is such a hero!” He kicked at the chair sending it flying across the room.

“He is a hero.” Ronon spoke, just the three words but they surprised John no end. It was not often that the Satedan gave any sign of what he was thinking.

“Hero? Hero?! The man doesn’t have a clue and you all pander to him. Who do you call when there is a little problem? Him! You never give any of us the chance.” Rosenberg flipped the table over.

“Get Carson.” John told Ronon. Ronon nodded and headed to the other side of the cell where Rosenberg couldn’t see him. “There’s a reason we don’t call anyone else.” perhaps this was what Kate had been talking about.

“Why? I don’t understand why!” Paul thumped on the bars that held him in the cell.

“Because when we have a problem we need the best and there are only two people that come under that remit. McKay and Zelenka.” John told nothing but the truth.

“The best? Two idiots, one who can barely speak English!” Rosenberg flipped the bed. “All I ask is that I get one chance to show how good I am, just one.”

“I can’t give you that chance.” John told him simply.

“Why? Oh I know why McKay’s little buddy, I know what has been said about the pair of you. You have to keep him close so no one can get to him and tell him what a coward you are!” There was anger in the madness now.

“Oh and what do they say?” Not that John cared one bit.

“That you alone woke the Wraith! You alone set this galaxy to a war that could have been prevented. Are you happy for the number of deaths on your hands?” There was snideness there now.

“I inadvertently woke the Wraith yes, but I couldn’t have know what was going to happen.” John admitted, this was nothing new to him, but Ronon growled at Rosenberg again as rejoined John.

“Had to kill your CO? Shot him in the back is probably more like it! Just a little coward who always thinks he knows right.” He reached through the bars trying to get to John. “Coward that is all you are!”

“Carson coming?” John asked quietly as Ronon moved him out of harm’s way.

“Yea and Kate.” Ronone admitted.

“Good.” John was only too happy to hear that as the man before them continued to rant and rave calling John all manner of names under the sun and more.

“Are ye all right, John?” Carson and Kate came hurrying into the cellblock.

“I’m fine, but Rosenberg has taken leave of his senses again.” John told him from the chair.

“Good an’ I thought this might happen.” Carson admitted. After John and Ronon had left the infirmary, they had a meeting to discuss his treatment and already had the medication ready to administer. “Is this what ye saw earlier, Kate?”

“Yes, it was.” Kate looked at her patient with compassion; he was ranting and raving about anything and everything now.

“Right, Ronon can I ask fer ya help? I need to subdue him so that I can sedate him.” Carson had the syringe all ready.

“Sure, Doc.” Ronon was all too happy to help after hearing some of the things the man had called his friends.

“Kate would ya kindly take John back to the Infirmary while we do this?” Carson turned to her.

The last John Sheppard saw of Mark Rosenberg that day was Ronon moving in on him to hold him still…


The next morning John woke from having a good sleep thanks to some of Carson’s ’good stuff’. Rodney was already complaining about when he could leave the infirmary and find some real food.

John couldn’t help but grin at that. Then he turned serious. They were transferring Mark Rosenberg to Earth today, the man was off his rocker that was for sure, at least he would get the help that he needed. No one had been too seriously hurt either, which was a relief.

Perhaps now things could return to normal.

“Good morning, Colonel.” A grinning Carson Beckett was standing before him.

“Morning.” John was nice and settled where he was.

“I’ve spoken to the SGC about Rosenberg and also told them that ye will be unable ta travel ta Earth for a wee while as your wound is healing.” Carson grinned. “They’re rescheduling the meeting for a month’s time.”

John groaned and then cheered up, that was when he was supposed to look at more men for his teams.

“I’ve also warned them that ye won’t be able ta take ya holiday. Ye might want ta reschedule that as well for a later time. I know ye gonna be restin’ over the next coupla weeks so I’m no’ goin’ ta push ya ta take holiday.”

“Thank you, Carson.” Was the dry sarcastic reply from John.

“Ye welcome, lad after all this has turned out to be a bit of a busman’s holiday fer ya.” Carson was trying to stay serious at the look on John’s face.

“What do you mean?” John had never heard that expression before.

“It means that ye holiday turned out to be exactly what you do every day normally. Ye have ta admit that this is nothing new!” Carson was laughing gently now.

“If you say so, Doc.” John shook his head as he lent back against the pillows. He was surrounded by mad men, absoloute mad men. Nevertheless, he also would not change any of it for the world...or the galaxy...or two galaxies.

For this was home. Really home and he wouldn’t have it any other way apart from the little dream he harboured that one day Elizabeth Weir would feel the some about him as he did about her. He could dream and hope. Who knew what the future held?

The end

ficathon - 2nd annual, author-michele_cross

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