Ficathon story - "Busman's Holiday" 1/2

Aug 30, 2008 10:19

Title: Busman's Holiday, pt. 1
Author: Michele Cross
Rating/Pairing: PG, John/Liz
Characters: John, Rodney, Carson, Elizabeth, Teyla, Ronon, Kate, Lorne, and two OC's.
Summary: Rodney is kidnapped on Atlantis by a new scientist, John is injured rescuing him.

Busman’s Holiday

It was early, very early in the planet’s cycle and most of the City’s inhabitants were still sleeping in bed, apart from those who were on duty and taking care of their home in the night time hours. The morning sun rose high above, its glorious rays shedding soft pastel glows of yellow, pink and gold over the ancient City.

Apart from one person, on one side of the City were the living areas and these were surrounded nicely by a balcony that overlooked the sea. It made a pleasant place to visit at any time of the day.

The balcony had a visitor, even at this early hour of the morning. He was dressed in his usual BDU‘s and was sipping on a cup of coffee as he stood lost in thought looking out over the beautiful vista. Not that he could have told you what it looked like, he was that deep in thought.

Soon the coffee was finished and he placed the cup on the table that sat between the doorways that led into rooms that the expedition used. He went back to his contemplation.

How long he stood there, he did not know; but the next thing he realized, one other person was joining him on the balcony.

“Good morning, John not able to sleep?” Doctor Elizabeth Weir asked as she stood by his side.

“Hi, just enjoying the sunrise. You?” John Sheppard gave up his contemplation and looked at the woman by his side. She looked beautiful with her dark hair haloed by the golden light of the sun; it made her look like an angel.

“Just getting some fresh air before breakfast.” She smiled at him. “Are you ready for your trip?”

“Not really, but I guess.” John sighed; that was another reason he was here on the balcony this early in the morning. He had to go back to Earth to attend a meeting at the SGC. Ordinarily he would be back that night so that he was still on duty, but Carson Beckett had to poke his doctoring nose in, appealing to both Elizabeth and the SGC and insisting that John take some vacation leave. They had listened to Beckett.

Now rather than just spending the day at the SGC, he was spending seven on Earth. Away from Atlantis, which he now considered home, and all his friends and people that he loved. The only consolation was that Rodney was coming with him and the scientist had grumbled about it for days. McKay was convinced that there would be no Atlantis or that a major catastrophe would be waiting for them on their return.

Just the thought made John antsy. The thought of not being here if something happened did not sit well with him. The thought that Elizabeth would be here and he could not protect her scared him more than he would admit to anyone. Not even himself. At least he could trust Lorne to look after her.

He trusted the young man implicitly. It was that simple but it was not the same as being here himself to make sure everything was all right. He hated the thought that the Wraith could attack, or the Genii come to that while he was in the next galaxy and unable to do anything to help them. John Sheppard knew that should that happen he would never forgive himself.

What would he do for the six days that he would be free on earth? There was no way he was going to visit his Father and brother. He would place flowers on his Mother’s grave, as he always did when he was ’home’ on Earth. Earth had not been home for almost three years and his father’s house for a lot longer than that.

Apart from that what would he do? Twiddle his thumbs? Go to San Francisco and visit the Golden Gate Bridge and recall how he’d sat on the river bank flipping a coin, making the decision whether or not to go on the mission to Atlantis. He often wondered what he would have been doing now if he had stayed on Earth.

Would he still be flying choppers in the Antarctic or would he have been court marshaled out of the Air Force as his Father believed he would be. He would still probably be a Major, he was sure of that and still very much a loner, no friends at all. No need for friends, they got in the way and cramped his style.

Yet here he was now, a Lieutenant Colonel in charge of the most wonderful city in two Galaxies, with real friends to boot as well. He hadn’t been this happy in a long, long time.

It was strange how fate worked.

“You don’t sound too enthusiastic,” Elizabeth broke into his train of thought.

“I just happen to think that Carson is wrong, I don’t need a break.” John shrugged as he looked at her. “I just have a feeling that I need to be here.”

“What do you mean?” Elizabeth looked at him seriously.

“I don’t know.” He raked his hand through his hair. “I just have this feeling that something is off, about to happen.” He had had this feeling many times in the past on missions that had ended up going FUBAR. He hated the feeling.

“I’m sure it is nothing; we’ll be fine, John. If you feel this anxious, perhaps we should agree with Carson, you do need a break. Please, John we will all be fine here and when you and Rodney get back you will rested and happier than you are now and that is what we need.” Elizabeth was earnest. She needed John at the peak of his ability, not tired and run down as he currently was. She had watched him over the last couple of weeks, well him and Rodney both as they had bounced from one crisis to another where one or both of them were needed to help solve the problem.

“I know I have to go, Elizabeth I’m just not happy about it.” John was finally able to admit the truth.

“Is there something more?” Elizabeth had to ask, it was not like the colonel to be acting like this. He had been more than happy with the thought of going back to Earth for just the day but when it had been extended to seven he had changed his mind. “Where will you be staying?”

“I’m just uneasy about leaving Atlantis for so long.” John shrugged then and was silent; it was something he could never put into words for her. “I thought I might spend a few days in San Francisco, maybe a day in LA I’ve nothing really planned. We’ll see.”

“We’ll be fine, John you can trust Lorne and I know that Radek is more than capable of standing in for Rodney. Will he be staying with you?” Elizabeth asked him, trying to put him more at ease.

“I know he was talking about going to see Jeannie and Kaleb but nothing more than that. He’ll have a head start as soon as he’s cleared.” John shrugged, they didn’t need to vacation together. Some time apart would do both of them some good perhaps, although John had no real idea what he was going to do for a week. Earth just was not home anymore.

“I’m glad they’re back in contact.” Elizabeth smiled as she took a sip of her coffee.

“Me too.” For once John was being truthful when it came to family. Being so estranged from his own family, he knew what it was like to be alone. For Rodney, to have his only family back in contact must be wonderful and John truly was pleased for him. “I’m getting more coffee would you like some more?”

“I still have some thanks.” She grinned at him and he could not help but grin back.

“Ok. Be a moment.” He grabbed his mug and re-entered his own room. Once there he stopped and leaned back against the wall, his eyes closed. He had no idea why Elizabeth affected him the way she did now. She’d made no sign that she liked him, at least not that way anyway. With a sigh, he moved on and filled his coffee cup.

She was still in the same position when he got back.

“It’s a pity you couldn’t take some time off too,” John told her gently.

“They can’t really let us both leave Atlantis for a long period,” She replied. Yes, it had been done once after they had first regained contact with Earth but it had been a one off, an unusual situation.

“You need a break though, Elizabeth.” He sipped his coffee and looked at her critically. Aware that she was thin and looked tired. Between the two of them, she needed the vacation more than he did.

“I’ll take one soon; I’ve too much work to do. When do you think that Terri-Ann and Greg will get married?” Elizabeth deftly changed the conversation to the latest news that was doing the rounds, Atlantis’ first engagement.

“No idea, he never gave any indication.” John allowed the change of subject. “Did Terri-Ann?”

When they parted company ten minutes later though, John still felt the edginess, the feeling that something big was about to happen and that it would not be good. Not good at all.


Two hours later and one run with Ronon, something he would miss over the next week, John was showered and dressed in his uniform.

His small pack was already full of the few clothes he would need and his dress uniform was hung ready to carry with him in its bag. He looked around his room. He really did not want to leave and he had the distinct impression that the City did not want him to leave either.

His earpiece beeping brought him back to the room. “Sheppard.”

“Are you going to come and have breakfast before we have to leave? I’m hungry and Ronon will eat all the food if you don’t hurry. Just because you are anorexic…” Rodney McKay’s voice sounded in his ear.

“Rodney good morning to you as well.” He grimaced if Rodney was in this good a mood the day promised to be a long one. “I’m not anorexic and I do eat.”

“When is that, Laddie?” From the wrestling sounds there had been a small fight over the earpiece’s possession.

“That’s not fair and you know it, Carson I had dinner with you all just last night.” John sighed, there would be a day that Carson didn’t get onto him about his weight and eating, but it wouldn’t be today. “I was just finishing my packing and I was coming for breakfast. See you in five.”

“I’… We’ll be waiting for ya, Colonel.” Carson Beckett, Atlantis’ resident CMO sounded far too pleased with himself for John’s liking.

John made it to the Rec Room with just minutes to spare. The others were all waiting for him as he was expecting. With a wave in their direction he hurried to get a plate of food.

They were deep in conversation when he joined them and if he could have predicted it there were two topics of conversation, their vacation and Terri-Ann’s engagement that had taken Atlantis by storm. Carson in particular was full of joy for his friend and head nurse.

He would have to get an engagement present while he was on earth, John decided, but what? It would at least give him something to do for a day. Although a whole day shopping was not his idea of fun at all.

A tap on his arm made him look up. Rodney was watching him worriedly. “What’s wrong with you today? You’re acting as if you’re on a different planet!”

“I’m just thinking, Rodney and trying to work out what to get Terri-Ann and Greg for an engagement present.” John told him looking up.

“Then don’t think. It’s dangerous.” There was no real bite in his tone as Rodney answered. “You and thinking don’t mix!”

“Very funny, Mr I can blow up half a galaxy!” Again it was just gentle ribbing and not the anger there had been after the original incident. Much water had passed under the bridge since then.

“Haha. Seriously are you all right? I know you don’t want this vacation.” Rodney’s voice was uncharacteristically low so that only John could hear what he was saying.

“I’m not looking forward to it, but I’ll be fine. What are you going to do? Visit Jeannie and her family?” John sipped his coffee. His fourth cup already this morning, not that he would let Carson know that.

“Yeah, I was planning it. Madison’s birthday is next week so I was going to get her a present.” Rodney shrugged as if it was nothing.

“What are you going to buy her, and please not a chemistry set; she is way too young for that.” John frowned at him.

“Well no, I wasn’t planning on that, but I thought perhaps a new doll and a math book for her age range.” Rodney looked so much as if he wanted John’s approval on this as well.

“That’s a good choice, but check with Jeannie what her exact level is.” John didn’t want to happen to Madison what had happened with him over his math ability have it shoved at him until he hated to tell anyone that he had a master’s degree in the subject.

“I already have.” Rodney was back to being smug. “What are you going to be doing?” That was what Rodney was really concerned about.

“I thought I would spend a few days in San Francisco. Maybe do some surfing. Haven’t really thought about it much to be honest.” John admitted.

“I was planning on setting off the minute I can when we get to the SGC. I know you have your meeting but…” Rodney shrugged awkwardly, he had come to the decision that he didn’t need to hang around all day getting bored. He only hoped that John wouldn’t mind.

“Good idea, Rodney I don’t know how long this meeting is going to be.” John sighed; it was the one thing he hated about his position the endless boring meetings that everyone seemed to think were vital to the success of the mission but that he thought were a colossal waste of time. Apart from that, he was also interviewing potential recruits to fill the positions that had come up over the last few months due to deaths or transfers, not that there were many transfers.

“You sure?” Rodney hid his relief.

“Yeah, I’ll probably stay overnight anyway and set off tomorrow.” John really did not have a thing planned properly and had no hotel room booked for tonight. Staying at the SGC removed that necessity and problem. If John had his way he’d just stay the whole of his vacation time at the SGC. He doubted that General Landry would allow that somehow. One night, yes, especially if the meeting ran over by a lot but eight? He was not idiot enough to truly consider that a viable possibility.

“Ok, that’s good then. I’d better go and make sure my team are fully aware of what I want them to be doing over the next few days.” Rodney nodded. “See you in the Gate room in ten minutes?”

“I guess I’ll be there.” There was a distinct lack of enthusiasm in John’s voice.

“Anybody would think you didn’t want this vacation.” Rodney looked at him in astonishment.

“Now what gave you that impression?” John shot back sarcastically. “Just remind me next time I’m dishing out mission assignments that Carson gets the smelliest, dirtiest planet to travel to.”

“He’ll love you for that.” Rodney’s smile ruined his words though.

“Tough he can live with it.” John told him archly. “See you in ten I need to get my things.”

They parted company at the transporters.


Five minutes later John was standing talking to Chuck in the Gate room, his one small duffel bag at his feet. John always travelled light, had done since he was a teenager and nothing had changed that all the years he had been in the Air Force.

Five minutes turned into ten and then ten into fifteen. If Rodney wasn’t careful John would be late for his meeting. As it was he still had twenty-five minutes before it started.

“Sheppard to McKay.” He tapped his earpiece.

To his astonishment there was no answer. He tried again.

“Sheppard to McKay, you better answer Rodney or so help me…” John could feel his anger beginning to rise. He was suddenly aware that the feeling of wrongness he had woken with earlier was now almost in full bloom. Something was very, very wrong.

He could not have said why he did what he did next, it just seemed to be the right thing to do and after years of listening to his gut feelings he just went with it.

“Sheppard to Lorne.” He tapped his earpiece once more. To Chuck he said. “Get Elizabeth and tell her we have a slight problem.”

Chuck nodded and paged Elizabeth Weir.

“Lorne here, what can I do for you, Colonel?” Lorne’s voice was loud and clear over the connection.

“Get a team together and head for McKay’s lab. Something’s up; I’m not sure what but I will meet you there.” John gave the order to his second in command.

“Yes, Sir!” John had to smile at Evan Lorne’s enthusiasm. The man was shaping up to be a mighty fine second in command. John had initially been a little, well a lot, unenthusiastic with the replacement for Aiden Ford that the SGC had sent. It had felt so wrong when the other man was still alive and out there somewhere. However, he had to hand it to them; they had chosen the right person for the job.

“Sheppard to Dex.” Was the next call. He would be in trouble if there was a problem with McKay right in the middle of it and he did not inform the Satedan. The other man had become very protective of the people of Atlantis.

“Yeah, Sheppard?” The reply was instant.

“Get to McKay’s lab. I’ll meet you there, there’s trouble.” Even as John was speaking he was checking his side arm was in place. Not that he went anywhere without it lately, that was one valuable lesson that he had learned from that first year when they were not in contact with Earth. His nine mil was there, he knew it was by the weight on his thigh, but he double-checked anyway.

“Going.” It was just the one word but spoke volumes to John. God help anyone who laid a finger on McKay.

“Tell Elizabeth I will let her know what’s happening the minute I know.” John told Chuck and then left the Gate room at a light jog.

The transporters would take too long he decided. He needed to get to Rodney on a hurry. Damn he should have asked Chuck to let the SGC know they were going to be late. Too late to worry about that now, he would sort that out later.

His earpiece beeped. “Sheppard.”

“Colonel there is trouble in Rodney’s lab. A scientist is holding him at gun point!” Radek Zalenka’s panicked voice sounded in his ear.

Well he hadn’t been expecting that!

“We’re on our way; Radek; Ronon should be with you shortly and Lorne with some men. Do you know what happened?” John needed all the information that he could get.

“I do not know I was on the South Pier working on a problem and when I get back…” Radek told him breathlessly.

“We’ll take care of it, Radek. Where are you now? Are you safe?” He had to know that Radek was okay. God forbid, if anything were to happen to Rodney, Zalenka would be the one to take his place… John couldn’t think like that not until this was all over.

“I am outside. Rosenberg seems to have had some kind of mental breakdown. I do not think he is rational.” Radek sounded even more panicked.

“Thanks, Radek now get out of the way and stay safe, we’ll get Rodney out.” John told him. “Get out of there now.” The last thing they needed was innocent bystanders injured.

“Yes, Colonel.” The heavily accented voice informed him.

“Sheppard to Weir.” He was almost to the wing where the labs were based.

“Yes, John? What is happening?” Elizabeth sounded worried as well.

“Rodney’s being held hostage in his labs. I need the area sealed off and the scientists removed calmly. Can I get you to handle that? I need to get more men down here; I also need to let the SGC know that I’m going to be a little late. I have to take care of this before I leave.” John filled her in on the situation.

“Hostage?” Elizabeth asked. “Who would take Rodney hostage?”

“Radek said someone called Rosenberg. I’m guessing he’s new. Maybe it’s an argument over nothing.” John hoped it was at least.

“Keep me informed of what is happening and John?” Elizabeth asked.

“Yes, Elizabeth?” John really didn’t have time for this.

“Be careful. I’ll inform the SGC as well. Good luck.” The worry was clear in her voice and he had to smile at that.

“I will, don’t you worry.” It was one of the things that he adored about her, the worry she showed for everyone of her ’team’ as she called the expedition.

He rounded the corner to the lab in time to see Ronon, Lorne and his men appear around the other corner from the opposite direction.

Within minutes John had them positioned as he wanted them. Some of the men he had escort the other scientists out from their labs and away to safety as well. Not that there were many people about that was quite surprising given the time of the morning. John would have expected more of them to be working,

“They have taken time off as Rodney was not going to be here. Some took late morning start.” The voice made him look around to see Radek eyeing Rodney’s lab worriedly.

“I thought you were meant to be somewhere safe.” John was not amused.

“I was in there.” He pointed to the closet that Rodney used for storage behind them. “I thought you might need help at some point.”

“I’ll give you that, but if I tell you to move I expect you to do just that and move.” John warned him. “I don’t want anyone hurt if I can help it.”

“I’ll do that, Colonel.” Radek affirmed.

“We need to know what’s happening in there.” John looked at the door and with a hopeful look passed his hand over the door lock. For once there was no reply.

He wasn’t really expecting it to work, but he had rather hoped it would. He was used to Atlantis opening the doors for him. That meant the door had to have been disabled on the other side.

He had to get their attention.

“What’re you going to do?” Ronon stood with his arms crossed, glowering at the door as he spoke. If looks could have worked the door would have opened, John was sure.

“Find out what’s going on.” John told them simply. He knocked on the door. “Hey, McKay barricading yourself in won’t get you out of this vacation!”

There was no answer.

“McKay you either come out or we come in.” It was that simple.

“He isn’t coming out, Colonel and if you try to come in I’ll shoot you!” The accent was Southern, Texas if John heard correctly because there was definitely a twang there.

“Who’s this?” John asked his voice tense. “Rosenberg?”

“How did you know who...?” Rosenberg stopped. “It doesn’t matter; it’s too late for you to do anything anyway.”

John didn’t like the sound of that he would admit.

“What do you mean it’s too late for that? Tell me what’s happening and we can fix this. I’m sure this is something simple to put fix. Right, Rodney?” He really wanted to hear Rodney’s voice. “Can I speak with Rodney?”

“No you can’t.” The reply was sharp.

“May I ask why?” John Sheppard ignored the sharpness of the reply.

“Because he makes too much noise. He always makes too much noise. I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to shut him up.” Rosenberg sounded a little demented to John.

“How did you shut him up?” He could feel the anger rising inside of him again. How dare someone do that to Rodney? Yes, he may joke about shutting Rodney up, saying that he would gag him, but he would never actually do that and Rodney knew it as well. For someone to even lay a finger on Rodney McKay…

“He wouldn’t stop, just wouldn’t stop I couldn’t think. All I could hear was his voice, just going on and on.” Rosenberg spoke again.

“So how did you stop him?” John pressed again.

“I hit him!” Rosenberg sounded so happy about that little fact. He wouldn’t have been so happy had he seen the way John’s knuckles whitened or his lips thinned. It was bad enough that Rodney was in this situation through no fault of his own but to have the one responsible to gloat over it. This was so not cool. At all.

“You did what?” It was a deadly whisper, more like an angry hiss.

“I hit him and knocked him out. Might knock some sense into the idiot. He thinks he’s so smart, thinks he’s the only one capable of good ideas. He isn’t and maybe if he took the time people would like him rather than tolerate him. Idiot.” Even through the door, John heard the thump of something hitting flesh.

Ronon growled and moved forward. Only to be stopped by John.

“Not yet!” It was a low hiss and John pulled them both back. “Sheppard to Beckett.”

“Beckett here lad shouldn’t Rodney an’ ye be on Earth now. Ye are missing ya meeting.” Carson Beckett scolded him.

“Yeah we should be but something’s come up. I need you at Rodney’s lab ASAP Carson, Rodney’s been knocked out and is being held hostage in his lab.” John told him seriously.

“Ye’ve gotta be kidding me!” Carson sounded shocked as well.

“I wish I was, Carson as it is I need you to have a medical team ready and waiting for when Rodney is released.” John assured him.

“I’ll come myself, lad the Infirmary is pretty slow at the moment.” Carson would not, could not bring himself to say the dreaded word ‘quiet;’ he knew all too well that if you said that the day went to hell in a hand basket.

“Thanks, Carson.” John was pleased that they would soon have medical help. “Rosenberg, why don’t you put the weapon you have down and come out? This is getting you no where.”

“That’s where you are very wrong, Colonel. This is getting me where I want to be. I want to go back to Earth. I can’t believe I ever wanted to leave. Only McKay could persuade me. Told me that my ideas, my skills would be more than worth it and that they would be rewarded. Rewarded? Huh that‘s the one thing he hasn’t done. I had to stop his voice controlling me.” Rosenberg’s voice grew higher and more hysterical as the moments went by.

John frowned at his words. Rodney would never persuade anyone to join the expedition, ever. Let alone persuade someone that they would be rewarded for their work. Besides Rodney hadn’t been to Earth in the last six months. Not even for five minutes let alone the days it would take before appointing someone to their position. He had to know what the other man thought.

“You saw McKay on Earth?” John shared a look with Ronon and realized that the other man was aware that Rodney McKay had not been to Earth recently either.

“Yeah, he came to the university I was teaching in and told me I had to come, that it was imperative to Atlantis that I come, that she would fail without me.” Rosenberg was sounding more and more psychotic by the minute.

“Can you tell me when this was?” John was fishing for any information that could help get Rodney out of the lab without anyone getting hurt.

“Why do you want to know? You’re his friend! I bet you’re in on this as well!” The panic was even more evident in Rosenberg’s voice.

“Should I just stun him?” Ronon asked with his hand ready and waiting on his gun. John knew he would do it as well if asked.

“No, let me see if we can talk him down.” John didn’t want to take the chance that Rosenberg would shoot Rodney before the stun worked. Opening the door would be a really big clue as to what they wanted to do.

“I need ta see, Rodney.” Carson and his team had joined them as well.

“I know, Doc and we’re working on it.” John told him. “Rosenberg?” He lifted his voice so that the other man could hear them.

“That’s Doctor Rosenberg to you!” There was a snide tone to the voice now.

“Doctor Rosenberg what ever you think I am not working with McKay. Why don’t you tell me what happened? Start with when he first contacted you and we’ll see if we can...bring charges against him.” He shook his head at the others to show that this was just a ploy to get Rosenberg talking.

“He first called me about six months ago and I laughed him off, but he kept on calling and sending me letters until I finally agreed to meet him.” Rosenberg was only too happy to oblige. “You’ll really charge him?”

“I will certainly do my best.” John rolled his eyes at the others, there was no way that this was Rodney. The last time Rodney had been on Earth was over nine months ago and there was no way he could call or write easily from Atlantis, the letters would come and go with the Daedalus and there were no telephones as such on Atlantis. Other communication would have been by email or data burst. Neither of which Rosenberg mentioned.

“He kept pestering me even after I told him I was happy and needed to continue my research on Earth. He then became nasty and I decided that if he was going to make my life miserable I would do the same for him!” There was the sound of something hitting flesh and John closed his eyes for a moment pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Colonel?” Carson was watching him worriedly.

“Rodney was last on Earth nine months ago and has been here ever since. Who ever this was who ’recruited’ Rosenberg it wasn’t Rodney. We need to get him out of there.” John’s quick agile mind was thinking.

“Weir to Sheppard.” Elizabeth’s voice sounded in his ear.

“Yes, Elizabeth?” John promptly answered.

“What’s happening?”

“I think Doctor Rosenberg might be having some sort of breakdown. We’re just about to go in and sort the situation out.” John told her. “I’ll contact you shortly and let you know what’s happened.”

“What do you intend ta do, Colonel?” Carson asked suddenly.

“You’re staying here. I’m going to go in there and see if we can settle this amicably. Ronon I want you ready to stun if I tell you.” John nodded to the other man.

“Will do.” The gun was free from its holster. “Are you going in armed?”

“Not my gun but I’ll take a knife.” John was already unbuckling his own holster. “Doctor Rosenberg can I come in and talk to you face to face? I’ll be unarmed.”

There was silence for a moment. “How do I know I can trust you?”

“Oh I think the fact that I haven’t ordered an assault on the lab you’re in should count towards that.” John told him lightly. “Also I’m prepared to look into the case without prejudice. If McKay has overstepped the mark then he will be punished.” John would say anything if it helped to get Rodney out.

“You’ll be unarmed?” The voice sounded a lot calmer.

“You can check me out if you want and keep the gun on me at all times.” John suggested.

“Yes, I think I will. You can come in.” Rosenberg finally assented.

John let go of the breath he hadn’t realised that he was holding and moved forward.

“Be careful, Sheppard.” Ronon Dex didn’t like this situation at all.

“I will.” However, that nagging ache in the pit of his stomach just seemed to keep on growing. It was Rodney related, he realised a little belatedly. If he’d known who it was that he was worried about, he would never have left Rodney’s side. Perhaps then Rosenberg might not have taken Rodney as hostage.

He put his hands up in a gesture of surrender and made for the door. This time the door opened to his will and he got his first good look at both the room and his friend. The room itself looked as if a bomb had gone off, not that this was at all unusual with Rodney about.

Rodney himself was lying in a crumpled heap at Rosenberg’s feet, his head turned away from them.

“There you are, I told you that I’d come unarmed.” John told him reasonably.
That was when the situation went to hell in a hand basket. For one sweet, sweet minute John thought this might end peacefully.

He was wrong. Very wrong.

There was a flash of movement behind him and before he could do anything Rosenberg was firing the gun he’d taken from Rodney’s desk. The gun that John himself insisted that he keep.

There was a deep burning in his right shoulder and then he was falling thanks to the force of the impact.

He was aware of a flash of red and the sound of someone else hitting the deck and then chaos seemed to take over.

“Check Rodney an’ I’ll check John!” The deep Scottish burr was evident but it seemed to come from a long, long way away. “Can ya hear me, lad?”

Hands were pulling and touching him causing him more pain but he lacked the strength to speak and tell them. Darkness descended blissfully.

Carson Beckett was aware the minute John Sheppard had lost his tenuous grip on consciousness.

“I need a gurney here!” He looked up to see Ronon bent over Rodney checking him. “How’s Rodney, Ronon?”

“He’s got a big bump on his head, but he’s breathing.” The answer was succinct and to the point.

“Make that two gurneys!” Carson called back over his shoulder. “What about Rosenberg?” Carson actually glowered at the other man’s shape on the floor.

“Stunned, I figured Sheppard would want to talk to him when he could.” Ronon shrugged as if either way would not have bothered him and Carson could understand that, the man had assaulted two of his friends and shot one.

“I’ll see to it that he’s moved to the brig and kept in close confinement.” Lorne had finally made his way over from where John had placed him. “I’ll also inform Doctor Weir about what happened. How’s the Colonel?” The latter was to Carson.

“He’s holding his own.” Carson had pressure bandages in his hand. “I won’t know the damage until I operate and see what the bullet’s done.”

“Understood, Doc and well done people; this could have ended worse than it did.” He shook his head, how did his CO get into these fixes? “What happened?”

“Everything was going well until Baker moved. I think Rosenberg thought he was a threat and shot the Colonel.” Carson was working at tying the pressure bandage into place.

By the time he had finished the gurneys were both there. Ronon and the medical team had placed a still quiet Rodney onto one gurney before turning to help with John.

Baker had the grace to look both ashamed and worried at the same time.

“I’ll talk with you later, Baker but for now the Colonel needs your help.” Lorne couldn’t help the glare, thanks to this man their CO was now injured and Lorne would have to take over the reins so to speak. Even the absolutely dreaded paperwork… well computer work, thank goodness most could be done that way with very little actual handwriting. Maybe once he was feeling better the Colonel would do the paper work. Well a man could hope. “Help take the prisoner down to the brig, make sure he can’t get out and post guards at all times.” He gave his orders.

“Sir Yes, Sir!” Baker actually saluted even though John Sheppard was a little lax in that area. Lorne knew why the Colonel did it, but it had taken him some time to get used to the fact he didn’t need to salute their ranking officer.

“The lad didn’t mean to alert the idiot ya know.” Carson looked up.

“I know but even so he could have killed our CO accident or not.” Lorne told him serious once more.

With that they were making their way to the Infirmary.

To their surprise Elizabeth was already waiting. She looked pale and anxious.

“Elizabeth, are ye alright?” Carson eyed her worriedly.

“Yes, I just felt I had to come and wait here. How are John and Rodney?” She was anxiously looking in John’s direction.

“He’s taken a shot to the shoulder, but he should be fine.” To his amusement she seemed to sag, when would these two see how much they were attracted to each other? It seemed that the whole of Atlantis knew but them. Sometimes he wanted to bang their heads together and make them see sense.

“Rodney?” Elizabeth seemed to pull herself together at the news.

“Just a wee knock on the head and Rosenberg is in custody.” Carson told her gently.

“Good the SGC would like to speak to him about why he held my Chief Scientist hostage and shot my second in command.” Elizabeth looked angry at the thought. “I need to let the SGC know that John won’t be making the meeting at all today; that is going to be fun!”

“Aye but I was there and can back ya up 100% should ya need it. Although the fact that I and the Colonel will be in the OR may help.” Carson told her gently. “They can hardly argue with that proof.”

“True. Although I wish I didn’t have to do this.” Elizabeth sighed. “John gets his own way he doesn’t get his vacation.”

“We call it a Busman’s holiday at home. I’m sure the lad wouldn’t have wanted this to happen. I’ve got to go and get him seen to. Will you be here when I get back?”

“Of course, where else would I be?” It was a little lame but the effort was there.

“Pacing the hallway?” Teyla came from nowhere. “Ronon just told me what happened, how are they?”

“I’ll leave you to explain, Elizabeth I need ta see what damage this bullet has done to Colonel Sheppard.” With that they vanished between the doors and into the OR.

On to part 2

ficathon - 2nd annual, author-michele_cross

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