crisis day

Jan 13, 2009 15:13

at least, it seems like it's crisis day, i swear.

so, hubby got a call from someone at the welfare office, the people who handle his insurance [i'm not sure if it was his caseworker or someone else]. they told him that because he's working, he's not eligible for the insurance. which, of course, produces a huge wtf from both of us as per law he requires medication, and so he has to have insurance in order to stay on the medication. the only reason he has a job is because he's on that medication [and no, his place of employment doesn't offer insurance, and it won't for a very long time, if ever]. so, basically, to keep the insurance that he needs, he would have to quit his job. that's basically it in a nutshell.

i just want to take a moment to speak to the government officials and policy-makers...FUCK YOU! I HATE YOU ALL!!

of course, we're not going down without a fight. he needs a paper from his doctor that says he's disabled. which, they should ALREADY HAVE ON FILE WHEN HE ORIGINALLY APPLIED YEARS AGO which means that they FUCKING LOST IT...isn't that great?!? doesn't that just instill you with trust in your government agencies??? i swear i'm going to fucking snap somebody's head off one of these days. anyway, once hubby gets the paper from his doctor again, all should be fine. should. hopefully.

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