[Locked to Passengers, Crew of the Elegante // Unhackable]

Apr 06, 2009 17:58

This is First Mate Kage speaking. Anyone who's volunteering to take down Meifeng, this is the plan:

I'm gonna go out and set the trap with the bait. When she comes out t'talk to me, I'm gonna make small talk. When I say 'the Captain's wishes', that means get ready to pounce. When I say 'orange juice', then that's your signal to haul ass out of your hidin' places and restrain her. She's gonna fight dirty, she's gonna screech and yowl, she's gonna be one'a Zeshat's Holy demons in the flesh, hear me?

This is gonna go down on Deck 12 in the nearest corridor to the breach between our two ships, so go down there, hide yourselves, get ready for a fight.

This is strictly a volunteer thing, understand?

meifeng, event, let's kill shit, killing's my business; business is good, watch the fuck out

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