(no subject)

Feb 13, 2010 10:47

Fandom : Primeval

Title: All Is Well

Rating: PG-13

Warning/s: Multiple Character Whumpage, Angst, AU, some scenes changed a little.

Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval, I don't own the OC's, I do own the story though, so I'm happy.

Betaed by canadian_jay

Sequel to:
Part One: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/48167.html
Part Two: http://sheneya.livejournal.com/48504.html

Summary: Connor is alive, Ryan is Ryan and Lyle well....he's Lyle.

It was a long wait at the hospital, all of Ryan's team and the scientists where use to seeing the captain either sitting, bleary-eyed at Connor's bedside, or slumped along the younger man's side.

They had taken to bringing coffee up to the private room that Lester had arranged for the young computer geek.

The bureaucrat had managed to make a good argument with the budget people, something about secrecy and deniability that Lyle couldn't even begin to understand.

But it kept prying eyes away from his still distraught Captain, so he didn't care what Lester did.

The only people allowed in Connor's room was Ryan's team, in civvies, the scientists and Connor's friend Duncan.

No one wanted to keep the tubby young man out of the loop, especially after the recent loss of the two boy's red-headed friend, they weren't that cruel.

Lyle was actually grateful for the young geeks support, he had come from a military family and had a been quite gentle with the Captain.

Finn had mentioned something about how knowing about the Anomaly Project may have curbed his conspiracy theory ideas, much like Connor.

Either way Lyle was glad, having one of Connor's friends on his side may very well have stopped his CO from having a meltdown.

Lyle made his way from the small hospital cafeteria with the first supply of tar-like, caffeine-filled beverage for the day.

Only to stop at the sight that greeted him.

The Captain was once again slumped across the younger man's chest, but this time a pale hand was gently petting the exhausted man's hair.

Connor started slightly as Lyle made his way over to the bed, but quickly resumed his soft motions.

"SSHHHH, He's sleeping."

"Have you two talked yet?"

"About the shooting?"

"Well, yes."

"Actually we spoke last night, I asked the nurses not to bother you guys until this morning, though it looks like you beat them to it, so just let him sleep a little longer."

"I'm awake, that coffee could wake the dead."

Lyle gave a small smile as Connor made a face at the cup he was handing to his Captain, before smiling as Ryan grimaced from the taste, before turning back to Connor.

"I nearly killed you Connor, how can you forgive that so easily?"

"That easily?...Simple, you where trying to keep Professor Cutter alive and well, you where doing your job, besides, if I had been in your position, I would have probably killed half the Anomaly Team, and wounded the rest."

Lyle Snickered at Connor's apt, if slightly over-exaggerated description of himself.

"But hey, If you're going to guilt yourself, I'm sure I can find plenty of ways for you to make it up to me."

"And how would I do that?"

"Well, can you see about getting the nurses to allow my laptop in here....and my DVD's, what day is it anyway?"


"In that case I need Duncan, my DVD's and pepperoni pizza in here as well, it's Movie night."

Ryan blinked as Connor started listing of all the things he could do, while Lyle was almost doubled over with laughter as it became obvious that Connor was in fact, a great deal better.

At least until Ryan turned to him.

"I'm going to need help moving all the stuff, Lieutenant."

Lyle made a show of sighing and acting put upon, but he was jumping for joy on the inside.

He thanked whatever deity had created a person as forgiving a Connor Temple.

Ryan's need to do penance was understandable, but it was a lot less compared to what he might have done if Connor had been angry.

Or if the young man had died.

primeval, fic, pg-13

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