(no subject)

Feb 05, 2010 23:51

Fandom : Primeval

Title: Standard Procedure

Rating: PG-13

Warning/s: Multiple Character Whumpage, Angst, AU.

Disclaimer: I don't own Primeval, I don't own the OC's, I do own the story though, so I'm happy.

Summary: Captain Ryan Knew Standard Procedure.

It was standard procedure, he'd done it automatically as soon as Dr Cutter had come careening down the hillside yelling that there was another creature.

Safety off, keep all non-combatants out of the line of fire, and sweep the surrounding area for danger and enemy soldiers.

Or in this case, giant, ugly bat-things.

They where nearly at the anomaly, Cutter following closely behind Ryan, for once listening to the Captain's instructions to stay close, when the creature struck.

The force was amazing, Ryan felt his arm break under the pressure as the gun fired three wild shots he couldn't even try to keep track of in the wild spin his life temporarily took.

Just as suddenly, the weight of the creature slumped across his spine, Dr Cutter's Devil's luck at shooting having struck again, thankfully in his favour.

Ryan cringed as the Doctor hauled him up by his good arm, the rifle hanging useless from his broken limb, before flinging them both through the rapidly closing anomaly, leaving Helen to whatever fate had decided for her.

Tom breathed a sigh of relief as they made it through.

Only for it to hitch as he realised Ditzy wasn't doing his usual mother-henning.

Ryan sluggishly followed Cutter's horrified stare, his eyes passed over the familiar hat lying as though discarded upon the forest floor, before running over a kneeling Ditzy, along with Stephen and, strangely enough Lester.

Lester wasn't wearing his coat, and Stephen's shirt was barely visible from between the three men.

Unable to stop his curiosity, Ryan stood gingerly, keeping his arm as still as possible as he walked over to them.

From above he could see the two missing items of clothing, there purpose changed from keeping their wearers warm, to keeping life inside the barely breathing body of Connor Temple.

For a second, Ryan couldn't hear anything except the pounding of his ears, Ditzy's attempts to talk while piecing the disturbingly pale man together barely registering.

Finally he remembered to breath, the first question from his mouth as he recognised the wounds.

"Who shot him?"

"It came through the anomaly Sir."

The words seemed to echo through his head.

For a second his heart froze as he remembered the sound of gunshots while he was spun around like an out of control top.

It came through the anomaly.

Ryan checked the safety of his gun, comforted when he noticed he had flicked it on as soon as they'd come through the anomaly.

It came through the anomaly.

Ryan didn't even notice the slightly sympathetic look on Blade's face as he handed his weapon over, he's eyes never moving from where Ditzy's hands where working.

Through the anomaly.

He'd followed standard procedure, followed it to the letter.

Somehow it wasn't as comforting as he'd hoped.

primeval fic, pg-13

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