(no subject)

Nov 02, 2009 11:45

Title: Off Limits

Type: Oneshot

Rating: R, probably less, but better safe than sorry.

Warning/s: Implied non-con, Dark fic, OC's Death, not betaed, AU.

Pairing/s: Connor/OC's, Implied Connor/Becker/Ryan

Summary: Everyone in the ARC learned fast that Connor Temple was off limits.

Connor was, and had always been, the glue holding the two elements of ARC life together, as much as Lester liked to say otherwise, without the boisterous and enthusiastic young man, The military and civilian population would have never even tried to mingle, unless they had to work together, let alone made friends with each other.

Connor, and to an extent Abby, had refused to be cowed by soldiers swearing at them, or Cutter's glares when Connor bounced into the middle of a conversation to show off his new Gadget.

He pulled at the protective instincts of almost the entire military group, and any new recruits quickly learned not to deliberately pick on the young genius, unless they wanted a public dressing down from both Captain Ryan, and Captain Becker.

So it was very obvious when Connor began avoiding the soldiers, anyone else and it would've been considered a minor thing, but Connor, contrary to popular belief, was a creature of habit, he didn't change his routine unless something major was happening.

Then he had been found by Ryan, he was huddled in the communal shower stalls, blood swirling from the back of his thighs and higher up, and his reaction, before seeing Captain Ryan's face on top of all that military clothing, was proof that it had been a soldier who had caused him harm.

A soldier, one of Ryan's or maybe Becker's men, Ryan's blood ran cold at the thought.

It took no real planning, an anomaly to whichever prehistoric place it was to made the perfect cover, Connor's attackers had not been good a subtle.

Two Quick strikes, one for each person, one from Becker, one from Ryan, and the ground turned red.

Lester knew how important Connor was, it was in the way Cutter and Stephen backed the two captains when they explained that the two soldiers had encountered a carnivorous creature.

"I thought that era had no dangerous 'wildlife' at least not to a full sized human."

"I guess we where wrong sir." Cutter pronounced, Stephen and the others nodding vigorously behind him.

"I guess you where."

And if the dinosaur Cutter had mentioned turned out to be a carrion eater, Lester knew without a doubt he had no idea what it meant, he was just management after all, what use was the information to him.

And if two Captains both happened to wander into the infirmary to fall asleep next to Connor's almost recovered body, they where obviously just tired.

And if Flecks of red had just happened to glint on the two blades that happened to belong to his two captains, it was probably a trick of the light.

Connor was invaluable to the ARC, Lester knew but did not openly admit this.

And no one ever reported tricks of the light.

primeval fic

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