The libraries in the CR Metro area are connected to this thing called iBistro which acts as a card catalogue.You also have the ability to look up hold items through this "catalogue." So, I'm at the library, desperately trying to use this damn thing and am having no luck. I want to put a hold on the book The Perks of Being a Wallflower. This message keeps coming up, however, saying "User Blocked." I go to the front desk with my meager findings (because almost EVERY SINGLE BOOK I want is currently out or on order) and explain to the librarian there that I am having problems with the system. Her response? "The system isn't quite a year old and it has some bugs in it. Try it again and call us if you have problems." Excuse me?
I worked in a library for a year, albiet the very podunk Nevada Public Library. If a patron came up to me and said that they were having problems, I'd offer to put a hold on the book for them right there at the front desk. Did this librarian offer that? Heck no! Why would those cyborgs that work there do anything friendly or beneficial for the patrons of their library? ARGH! I really do not like the library set up here.
So, I sit here with one readable book and about fifty on hold. Okay, it's really not that many but... I have the following titles on hold:
- Pledged
- The Perks of Being a Wallflower
- A Home at the End of the World
- We Need to Talk About Kevin
- Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons
- Mystic River
Hopefully, at some point, these books will come in and I can read them. The sooner, the better. School starts soon. Once school starts, reading time goes buh-bye!