Title: Sickly Sweet
Pairing/s: Sulli & Taemin, SulTae
Rating: G
Word Count: 220
shelovessushi Sickly Sweet
Taemin hates Jinri’s heart-melting eye smiles. He also despises her tinkling laughter that goes on and on in his mind for hours, and he certainly hates her aegyos and charming smiles.
He just hates it--- everything about it.
For the reason that Taemin couldn’t ignore the fact that he falls for Jinri’s charms every single time. And he just hates this sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach because metaphorical butterflies flutter inside it whenever Jinri was around.
Taemin just wanted to vomit it all out--- the invisible butterflies, that is.
And it all started with one innocent smile.
Taemin was more than happy for their win--- he was exultant, and of course Jinri was celebrating with him--- with them. They caught each other’s gazes and shared one of the briefest yet most meaningful smiles they have ever shared with each other.
And for the first time, he saw how truly breathtaking Jinri was; not for her infamous eye smiles, her white creamy skin, or her dazzlingly beautiful smiles. Taemin saw Jinri, and not the Sulli that fanboys all over Asia went crazy for.
Subsequently, Taemin knew something then--- something his hyungs will probably never understand… he realized that he was smitten.
No, scratch that.
Taemin was in love…
And thoroughly whipped, as Minho liked to call it.