Your Number One Fan Boy (A YoonHae Drabble)

Sep 18, 2010 15:56

Title: Your Number One Fan Boy (A YoonHae Drabble)
Pairing/s: Yoona & Donghae, YoonHae <3
Word Count: 969
Author: shelovessushi is back for another YoonHae ff! :)

Your Number One Fan Boy

Donghae would always feel the hairs on the back of his head tingle whenever Yoona was in the same place as him, whether it be ten meters away from him. It was something that he never understood but still he was grateful for it--- he gets to approach her, and talk to her first.

He smiles when she does. He laughs when she does. It was a reflex action.

But then again Donghae never liked it when Yoona talks to him so formally; it was as if their every encounter was like meeting each other for the very first time. He could actually taste the awkwardness on the tip of his tongue when they converse with each other.

He was Yoona’s number one fan boy though. He would often daydream about her and so his hyungs and dongsaengs named him the ‘Spacey Fish’. But of course they don’t know what he’s spacing out about… or so he thinks they don’t.

Donghae stands and stares at her as if he was looking at a masterpiece. But she is a masterpiece after all. There are times when Yoona would laugh out loud and her mouth would open like an alligator’s. But still, she never fails to amaze him.

To Donghae, her imperfections and her flaws were only the icing on the cake. It was what makes her the Im Yoona that everybody has come to love. Donghae never once looked at another girl the same way he looks at Yoona. It scared him so much how at such a young age he would feel this strongly for her. But that was just a reassurance the she is the one.

It took him months--- ages to build up the courage to approach her without him stuttering and sweating bullets.

He saw Yoona at the salon where they usually get their hair and stage make up done. She was sitting on the far end of the room with her Physics book on hand and hair curlers carefully fastened on her beautiful locks, the stylist was taking it off one by one.

She felt his presence and stared up at him with wide gleaming eyes. And with just one look Donghae’s confidence went out the window. She beamed at him as she closed her thick textbook.

“So- so how’s idol life?” He covered up his stuttering with a cough.

“We’ve barely passed the hundred day mark and I’m already feeling the pressure. With my college entrance exams in no less than a month and our comeback in a few weeks, I don’t think I’ll be able to do this idol thing.” She said as she blew off a lock of now-curly hair blocking her pretty crescent-shaped eye.

All Donghae wanted to do was hold her hand and comfort her. She seemed tired as the dark circles under her eyes became prominent after hours and hours of grueling practices.

“You know sunbaenim I have thoughts of maybe quitting SM and concentrate on my pre-law.” She said matter-of-factly. Donghae flinched. Not at the thought of Yoona quitting but at the word ‘sunbaenim.’ He mentally hissed at it.

“I also thought like that when I was starting Yoona, but I’m telling you you’ll be regretting at a lot of things after you quit.” He advised. Yoona nodded in understanding.

“Thank you Donghae shi.” She smiled. Donghae gritted his teeth and suppressed a grimace as he sat beside her and waited for his stylist noona to fix him up.

This was getting him nowhere. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He felt Yoona turn to him with a curious look on her flawless face.

“Are you okay sunbae?” she asked, carefully placing her intertwined fingers on her lap.

“No. Not at all.” He told her bluntly. Yoona raised her perfectly penciled eyebrows in confusion.
“What is it?” she pressed on. Her voice was soft and calming, Donghae could literally fall a peaceful sleep hearing her soothing voice.

“Why can’t you call me oppa? You call half of the Super Junior members oppa, except for me.” He finally said it out loud. His heart felt light, at last speaking out the thing that bothered him the most. But hearing it now, his problem seemed really dense and absurd.

“Oh.” Yoona replied. Was he jealous? “I didn’t know you wanted to be called Oppa, sunbae. You should have told me.” She added.

I should have told her. Donghae thought, mentally smacking himself.

“Then I’m telling you now. Call me oppa from now on.” He told her. Donghae saw Yoona’s cheek turn light pink and he smiled to himself knowing that he makes her react like that.

“Okay oppa.” Yoona grinned.

“Yoongie-ah it’s time to go!” Tiffany announced in a singsong voice as she approached her. She saw Donghae and bowed a ninety-degree bow. “Hello oppa!” she greeted cheerfully. Donghae bowed back and frowned when he saw Fany pulling Yoona by the arm.

“I have to go… oppa.” She said. She looked disappointed too. She took her book and stuffed it in her bag, bowed at Donghae and left with Tiffany who waved at him happily.

Spontaneously Donghae shouted at Yoona’s retreating form, “I’ll treat you to dinner later!”

Yoona turned to him and shouted back, “Okay oppa, bye!” Tiffany also chirped a goodbye.

Donghae could hear Tiffany pestering Yoona with questions like, “Since when did you start talking to him so informally?” and “He’ll treat you to dinner? Isn’t that like… a date?” and another one like “I didn’t know you called him oppa. You like him do you?”

Donghae only smiled to himself as he watched Yoona pacify her hyperactive unnie. He felt contented and ecstatic, like a fan boy finally getting his favorite idol’s autograph.

Well… this was a good start, wasn’t it?


pairing: donghae/yoona, fanfic

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