Merry Christmas, Monkey (A HyoHyuk One-shot)

Dec 22, 2010 21:56

Title: Merry Christmas, Monkey (A HyoHyuk One-shot)
Pairing/s: Hyoyeon & Eunhyuk/Hyukjae, HyoHyuk
Word Count: 872
Rating: G

Merry Christmas, Monkey

Hyukjae wasn’t one to love receiving gifts. But--- he’s a member of Super Junior after all; receiving presents from fans in a daily basis was something that was inevitable.

This Christmas though, he couldn’t help it but to expect from her.

He watched Hyoyeon dance around excitedly through the corridors and practice rooms of SM as she distributes her personally wrapped gifts to her sunbaes and dongsaengs.

So far, all nine Super Junior members including Henry and Zhoumi, the complete five members of SHINee and even the two remaining members of TVXQ have received Hyoyeon’s gifts.

Hyukjae furrowed his brows in frustration as he watched the members open their gifts noisily in the practice room.

“Aren’t we supposed to be rehearsing?” he asked them grumpily. Donghee looked up from his half-unwrapped gift and smirked.

“You’re just jealous because Hyoyeonie didn’t give you any.” Donghee told him smugly, the rest of the members laughed in glee as they continued on with opening Hyoyeon’s presents. Hyukjae stuck his tongue out childishly, sipping furiously on his now empty strawberry milk carton.

He saw Hyoyeon saunter in the room with one gift left on her hand. It was wrapped neatly in a red shiny covering; a big green bow was taped carefully on top of the square package. Hyukjae looked longingly at the object in her hand.

The boys greeted her enthusiastically.

“Hey oppas? How do you like your gifts?” she asked them. “Oh! Hi Hyukjae oppa!” she added, Hyukjae grimaced at her.

“I love it Hyo! I’ve been eyeing this since it fist came out!” Sungmin said happily, referring to the pink SLR on his lap.

“Sunkyu was actually the one who told me to buy it since she had another Christmas gift in mind for you.” She winked at him; Sungmin shyly bowed down his head.

“And this… this is just perfect! Thanks Hyo!” Donghae shouted from the other side of the room, pertaining to the new pair of Ray-bans in his hands.

“No problem Donghae oppa, Yoona chose that color you know?” she said knowingly, Donghae chuckled in his seat.

“Oh! I almost forgot about this!” she exclaimed, motioning to the gift on her hand. Hyukjae perked up.

“I don’t know if anyone of you would be visiting Kangin oppa but I prepared this for him.” She smiled. Heechul raised his arm like a little kid.

“I will! I will! I will! And I love this cardigan so much!” he bounced on the floor like a six year old. Hyukjae huffed, feverishly stabbing a piece of straw on a new carton of strawberry milk.

“I’ll be going now oppas! I still have a schedule ahead! And thanks for volunteering Heenim oppa!” she did a ninety degree bow before turning away and reuniting with her giggling sisters.

Hyukjae’s sulky mood had stayed with him through out the whole day.

After their rehearsals for the year-end specials, the Super Junior members went to their separate schedules. Tonight was a free night for Lee Hyukjae; he went back to the dorm carrying all their gifts from Hyoyeon and bitterly threw the gifts on their respective empty beds.

He was giving death glares on the Ray-bans resting askew on Donghae’s bed--- that was supposed to be his. Hyukjae plopped angrily on his bed, crossing his arms.

How could she give half of the people working in SM gifts and not even bother giving Hyukjae one?

He felt his phone vibrate and he took it without any care in the world.

Oppa! Santa dropped by your doorstep and left something. Merry Christmas Anchovy oppa!<3 -Hyoyeonie

Hyukjae stared blankly at his phone before fully registering her message in his mind.

He leaped of the bed and ran to the door like an excited child, flinging the door wide open. A gigantic box was placed in front of him, a huge gummy smile appearing on his face.

There was a note tied to the very top of the box. He took it and opened the piece of paper, carefull not to tear the fragile stationery apart.

To Hyukjae oppa,

Anyeong! You thought I have forgotten about you haven’t you? Of course I wouldn’t! Who would ever forget about the arrogant dancing machine of a monkey? I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and I just want to thank you for being a good Oppa to me. I hope you’d like my gift.

From your prettiest and funniest dongsaeng, Hyoyeonie <3

Hyukjae inspected the massive box before him and a chuckle escaped his lips as he realized what Hyoyeon’s gift was.

It was a month’s worth supply of his favorite strawberry milk.

He took one carton from the box and happily drank it, letting the cool creamy goodness of the drink fill his mouth. He sighed in ecstasy.

Hyoyeon sure does know how to give gifts doesn’t she?

He whipped out his phone and texted back.

I love it. -Hyukjae oppa

But what he wanted to say was ‘I love you’.

He pushed the box inside the dorm, closing the door behind him.

Hyukjae went back to his room, a carton of milk in one hand and an inerasable goofy grin plastered on his face.

Merry Christmas SonElfs. <3


P.S. Hyukjae is Eunhyuk's real name, while Donghee is Shindong's XD

pairing: eunhyuk/hyoyeon, fanfic

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