Terra Nova fic: Forbidden Fruit 8/?

Jan 22, 2012 11:03

Fic: Forbidden Fruit
Rating: T...for now
Pairing: Lucas Taylor/Skye Tate
Summary:She takes the chance of losing everything to go and find a broken, angry, albeit alive Lucas Taylor out in the Jungle. Together they fight a losing battle with their inevitable feelings toward each other, feelings they both wish they didn't have.

Chapter 8
Both Skye’s heart and her mind betrayed her, not that this was anything new, the more time she spent with Lucas the more drawn to him she was. He was just so…magnetizing. She forced herself to push the memories from her thoughts and enjoyed the rest of her shower in peace. A nice quiet, hot shower, one of those things she had always taken for granted and now, just after a few days it was something her body craved.

So much better than a swim in the cold waters that surrounded them.

She stepped out and ruffled her dark curls in the towel Lucas had provided before wrapping it around her body. He had obviously used this shower as well, was this his towel, it wasn’t like there was a fresh supply. “Stop it,” she scolded herself, gathering up the bag and going out to explore the rooms in Mira’s tree house.

It was surprisingly normal, a small living area, an alcove with a little round table and chairs, and what she assumed was a bedroom. She pushed open the cracked door and her breath hitched when she saw Lucas sitting there on the bed with his head cradled in his hands.

“Nothing’s here,” he murmured, letting out a deep breath. He stood and with one sweep of him arms cleared off the vanity in a spurt of rage. “Damnit!” he cursed, bracing himself against the weakened furniture, his back heaving and his head down.

Skye knew she should have just turned around and left, she should have gone and gotten dressed, given him a few seconds to cool off and then seek him out. Unfortunately her curiosity got the better of her.

“Lucas?” she called softly, padding over to his tense frame. He remained still with the exception of his breathing.

“Lucas?” she tried again, taking a chance and placing her hand on the small of his back.

His head shot up with his next breath and he turned to face her, his arm immediately finding her elbow. Lucas’ rage vanished and was replaced with a warm smile.

“Bucket,” he said softly.

“You okay?” She asked lacking the ability to think of anything else to say, not with those vivid jade eyes pouring into her.

“Yeah, I was just uh,” Lucas paused and rubbed the back of his neck. “I was looking for something.” He placed both hands on her shoulders, shook his head and smiled, “But it’s not important.” Lucas stepped back and she could feel his eyes pass over her body. She still liked that feeling, even if she felt a little exposed and vulnerable, she loved it when he took her in, when he looked at her with such wanton need.

He coughed, “You should go get dressed, then we’ll talk about what’s next.”

What’s next with what? She thought, with them, no, there was no them, and there couldn’t be. She may not have been living there presently, but she still had a home, with friends that loved her, the same ones that Lucas wanted nothing more than to destroy. But he didn’t her mind rang out; he kept them safe because of you. Skye nodded and shoved her mind’s pestering thoughts away.

“Okay,” she whispered, holding tightly to her towel and making her way back into the bathroom.


Lucas passed both over his face and sighed, oh how he had wanted to pull her into him and just hold her, her damp, peppermint scented waves were so damned tempting. It took everything inside him not to just reach out to her. Never the less, he had told himself he would allow her to come to him, and he intended on keeping true to his own word.

He leaned over and picked up a few scattered items from the floor. A compass, a bottle of pain killers, some floss and a needle in case the need for an emergency stitching should arouse. Lucas reached behind the bed and wiggled one of the wooden poles loose until it slid out, revealing a little compartment.

“Well, hello,” he grinned, pulling out a folded up piece of tattered parchment. At least this was still here, she must have left it in all the hustle to move out, that or she just didn’t need it. Mira was just as resourceful as he was, he had taught her well, who else was going to help the sixers survive on their own. Lucas stuffed the paper in his pocket just as Skye stepped back out of the bathroom, her damp ringlets falling around her shoulders, framing the pure perfection before him. He smiled softly at her and picked up his pack, slinging it over his shoulder emitting a hiss when the strap rubbed his wound. Skye crossed the room quickly and took the bag from him.

“Lucas,” she sighed, shaking her head disconcertingly, “you need to be careful,” she scolded him and slid her hand over his shoulder. The hole was hidden by his shirt, yet she knew exactly where to touch, ever so gently, causing his heart to flutter. How could he not have forgiven her? After all he has done and she still returned to his bedside. He didn’t deserve her, but god did he want her. He placed his hand over hers, his fingers curling around her palm.

“I’m fine,” he assured her, attempting to sound unaffected by her touch. Lucas took his bag back from her and slung it around the other side. “Much better,” he nodded, “let’s go, Bucket,” he said with a head tilt, ushering her out of the tree house by the small of her back.


They re-entered his tent and she took a seat on his cot. Lucas couldn’t help but think how natural she looked in his bed, how much he longed for it to be their bed. Sliding off his pack, he tossed her half a loaf of bread, “Still somewhat fresh,” he grinned as she turned the parcel over in her hands.

“Oh I found this,” Skye reached into her own bag and pulled out a small brown, prickly fruit. “Looks like some sort of pineapple,” she shrugged.

A pineapple it was not, Lucas had learned the difference between good fruit and bad…this one was beyond bad. “Yea, no,” he shook his head, “no, you don’t want to eat that.”

“It looks good,” she raised the fruit to her face and sniffed the leafy stem, “smells okay too,”

“Bucket,” Lucas warned, “trust me, that,” he pointed an accusing finger at the object in question, “that, thing will bring a grown man to his knees.”

“Really,” she chuckled.

“Yes, and keep him there. In fact…” Lucas stepped over to her and took the fruit from her hands and promptly threw it out the tent,  “problem solved,” he grinned. “Now let’s talk about tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow?” Skye asked, “You don’t think you should rest another day?” She stood from the cot and went to stand in front of him. She absentmindedly undid the top buttons on his shirt and pulled it to one side, checking to make sure the infection had indeed gone. She refused to let him continue to wherever they were going with two infected holes in his chest. The wounds were still slightly inflamed, but seemed okay. She traced a finger around the burned edges, ignoring how warm and inviting his skin was. “How are you feeling,” she whispered.

“Right now,” he chuckled. Skye could feel his laugh vibrate in his chest.

“Overall,” she said firmly, retracting her hands and re-buttoning his shirt. “How do you feel physically?” she asked drawling her question out.

“Decent,” he replied, “legs are pretty tired, but it won’t take long for me to get back to normal.”

“Right,” she sighed, returning to the cot. Lucas followed and squatted down in front of her.

“Bucket, we really can’t afford to stay here longer, I’m sorry, but we need to move on in the morning.”

“Where?” She asked.

Lucas stood and turned away from her gaze. Of course he was going to shut her out, did she really think he would do otherwise.

“Lucas,” she called softly in desperation, she hated to be left in the dark, especially when she had no choice but to go with him.

He sighed and pulled out the folded parchment from his pocket and handed it to her, his grip holding on for a few moments before he finally surrendered it to her. Skye unfolded it carefully, running her fingers over the lines that were so alien, yet so familiar. His handy work was something she would always be able to spot.

“It’s a map,” she finally said.

“Yes, Bucket” he sighed, “it’s a map.”

“To where?” she asked. “I recognize the colony, the falls,” her fingers danced across the lines, following them to their current position, “sixers camp,” she stopped on a large empty area on the far side of the map, marked with nothing but a handful of x’s and little red dots. “Lucas, where is this?” Skye looked up at him only to find he was gazing into the distance, making it a point not to look at her.

“It’s quite a journey from here,” he said quietly, his eyes slipping closed.

“Lucas,” she approached him again and he attempted to look away. “Lucas,” she pleaded, placing both her hands on either side of his face, forcing him to face her. His eyes opened slowly and she could see the regret pouring out of his features. “Where, Lucas?” she coaxed.

“You’ll see, Bucket,” he breathed, resting his forehead on hers, “and I’m so sorry.”

She hated hearing the pain in his voice and his refusal to give in was driving her insane, just being in the same room with him was hard enough at times, then he had to go and be like this. All apologetic and sensitive.

She pressed her lips into his and looped her arms around his neck, playing with the mess of curls that lied there. Lucas breathed her in and welcomed her kiss with one of his own. He wrapped her in his arms and nibbled on her bottom lip begging for entrance. Skye gladly received him, allowing his warm sweetness to glide over her tongue. “Bucket,” he whispered against her mouth.

“Where, Lucas?” she softly repeated her question, keeping her hold on him. “I’m not going anywhere, and honestly I’d rather find out sooner than later.”

Lucas chastely kissed her once more and leaned back, loosening his hold on her.

“Mira,” he groaned closing his eyes again, “Mira, found something in the badlands.”

“Wait, what?” Skye let her arms fall and he let her back away from him. “Lucas, we can’t go to the bad lands! What the hell could be so interesting that you would even risk both of our lives to go there?!”

He knew this would happen. He knew she wouldn’t take the news with a grain of salt, and naturally it had to be when she was finally emitting some sort of feelings for him.

“They found a prow of a ship, an eighteenth century ship. I know that’s where they went, Skye,” he stepped forward motioning his hands to het his point across. “Mira will have set up a camp and the Phoe-“

“Absolutely not,” she choked out, “you can’t do this Lucas, it’s too dangerous.”

“Skye, they’ll have plenty of food, and a safe place to stay, once we get there we’ll be safe, I’ll keep you safe!”

“NO!” she slumped down onto the tent floor, “no, Lucas that’s not what I mean,” she laughed darkly.

“What then?” he knelt down beside her and brushed a curl behind her ear. “What is it? I won’t let them hurt you, Bucket.”

“There is only one way anything from that point, or another point in time for that matter, ended up in the badlands.” Her voice was weak and when she looked at him a tear escaped from the corner of her eye.

“It needs to be done, Skye,” he said soothingly, wiping away her tear with his thumb. “They’ll come after me soon or a later, and if I don’t do this I’m as good as dead.”

“You can’t open it, you can’t, just leave it be,” she pleaded. “We can go back,” she nodded her head desperately, “chances are Taylor will keep you in the brig for the rest of your days, but he won’t kill you, the colony will keep you safe.”

“Do not, bring my father into this!” he chided, anger flashing momentarily behind his jade eyes. “Bucket,” he sighed, “We both know that isn’t possible, it’s the only way. Don’t…don’t…” Lucas closed his eyes and tilted his head, swallowing hard. “Bucket, I need to do this, I finally have something other to live for other than getting revenge on my father.”

Skye wiped away her tears and held his eyes with hers, they were so sincere, the part of Lucas that she wanted him to always be. She knew that would never happen, that he would always have a short temper and a never ending vengefulness, but not towards her, and in some dysfunctional way, she could accept that. There was no doubt in her mind that he would indeed keep her safe, he needed her as much if not more than she wanted him.

She nodded slowly, “all right, Lucas,” she whispered, putting her head in her hands, “all right.”

Lucas leaned in and pressed a kiss to her temple, “thank you, Bucket,” he murmured into her hair. “It’ll be okay, I promise you,”

“Don’t make a promise you can’t keep, Lucas,” she said coldly.

“Fair enough,” he sighed, “I’ll keep you safe, anything else I promise I will do my best to set right. I’ll keep them away from Terra Nova,”

“Why,” she asked quietly, “why keep them away when I know you’d love to finish Taylor off.”

“Because,” he smiled softly and cupped her face, “there are other ways to get back at my father, ways that don’t involve losing you.”

skye tate, lucas taylor, terra nova, fic, forbidden fruit

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